Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 11: Saturday Highlights

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Well, well, well this has been a wild and crazy Veto day in the Big Brother house! The Houseguests all faced off in the Multiplicity Veto battles with everyone fighting to win the Power of Veto in the first comp and then everyone but that winner going for a second Veto medallion. Now with both Vetoes decided there’s a big move on the horizon, but will it happen?

When we saw Blue had won the Veto we knew she was coming down, but would Jag put his into play or just renom Cirie and send Felicia on off to Jury? Not so fast. Yes, it sounds like Jag is ready to make a big move on Big Brother 25! I didn’t think he’d be so bold and we’re still two days away from it happening but the fire seems to be under his feet.

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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Saturday, October 14, 2023:

7:55 AM BBT – Early wake up call for the HGs to get ready for Veto day!

8:35 AM BBT – Feeds cut.

8:56 AM BBT – Feeds are back. HGs discussing what they’ve learned. There will be two Vetoes.

9:00 AM BBT – Jag questions how a double Veto will work. Cory speculates one of the medallion holders goes first then the second will get to make the choice as well but won’t be able to take down the renom from the first.

9:05 AM BBT – HGs discuss there being two competitions (instead of two winners in one comp).

9:10 AM BBT – Matt tells Jag they need to step up and win these comps to prevent both Felicia and Blue from earning safety.

9:12 AM BBT – Cory hopes the renoms would be Cirie and Bowie if both of the noms come down. America admits she told Blue she’d save her with the Veto if she wins it. Cory is surprised to hear that. America backtracks and says she told Blue to pick her with HG Choice.

9:35 AM BBT – Felicia complains to Cirie that everyone keeps saying they want to work with them but then they aren’t talking game with them. Cirie points out this is just because they want their vote.

9:45 AM BBT – Blue campaigning to Jag and Bowie that Felicia would target them but she wouldn’t.

9:55 AM BBT – Matt thinks they can convince Cirie not to use the Veto if she wins it. He and Cory realize if both Noms come down along with Cirie off the Block then they have the controlling three votes.

10:05 AM BBT – Jag tells Bowie he will throw the comp to her if possible so he can compete in the second Veto comp.

10:30 AM BBT – Bowie, America, and Matt say they need to make sure they get at least one of these Vetoes to make sure Blue stays on the Block.

10:35 AM BBT – Blue tells Matt that Cory and America are targeting him and want him and Jag out. Blue pitches to Matt that the three of them go to the end.

10:45 AM BBT – Blue suspects America is HOH and trying to make others think it’s Jag. Matt thinks Bowie is now acting how Cameron was acting.

11:05 AM BBT – Felicia talks with Matt about Cory and America playing both sides of the house. She says neither will get her vote at the end.

11:10 AM BBT – Blue tells Jag that Cory and America have been trying to recruit her to work against Matt and Jag. Blue says to keep her this week so she can help them against Cory and America.

11:20 AM BBT – Blue is campaigning to America. Blue says she’s been promising she’ll work with whoever saves him.

11:40 AM BBT – Cory talks with Jag about if both Vetoes get used and both noms come down. Jag says it’d be bad if Cory goes home on his HOH. Cory reminds Jag to just not renom him then.

11:45 AM BBT – Cirie, Blue, and Felicia discuss that the Veto winners won’t be hidden like the HOH winner.

11:47 AM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto comps.

6:40 PM BBT – Feeds are back.

6:45 PM BBT – HGs discussing that this was usually an HOH comp but was Veto this time. They’re describing the ropes holding-on competition.

6:50 PM BBT – There’s a phone booth in the kitchen area now. (This will be used later for Cirie’s punishment.)

7:00 PM BBT – Both Jag and Blue are wearing Veto medallions. Bowie is giving them back rubs.

7:25 PM BBT – Feeds are back from a brief break and Felicia is in Comic with a tent (for a bathroom). She’s camtalking that she has 24 hours in there alone.

7:35 PM BBT – Felicia is quietly studying days/events while enjoying her peaceful retreat.

7:55 PM BBT – Jag asks Matt if he should keep lying about HOH and try to pin it on America.

8:00 PM BBT – Blue joined Jag and Matt. She’s telling them how Cory was saying he’d get rid of Felicia but earlier America made it sound like Cory wanted to vote her (B) out.

8:05 PM BBT – Blue says she wished one of them had won HOH this week so they could split up Cory and America.

8:20 PM BBT – Bowie and America speculate that Jag will reveal his HOH to Blue. America says she’s already promised Cirie she’ll keep her over Felicia.

8:40 PM BBT – Cory is nervous that Jag, Matt, and Blue are in the HN room together. America says it’s so they don’t have to whisper around Matt. Cory doesn’t like it.

9:15 PM BBT – Backyard is open again.

9:20 PM BBT – Cirie has her superhero costume on and must roll from one side of the backyard to the other.

9:30 PM BBT – Jag discussing with Matt the possibility of putting Cory and America up together.

9:40 PM BBT – Matt and Jag have gone over the votes to make sure they could get Cory out if he goes up. Jag worries that Cory and America could reveal things to hurt his game. He thinks maybe they should reveal some of it themselves before C&A could.

9:50 PM BBT – Cory joined Jag and Matt. Cory says Cirie is expecting to go up and was already campaigning to him.

10:25 PM BBT – Jag tells Bowie that he’s going to draw the line that they’ve been talking about all season. He wants to make sure they pull Blue to their side.

10:35 PM BBT – Matt tells Cirie she should be okay and to go talk with Jag tonight.

10:55 PM BBT – Jag talking with Cirie and she’s very relieved. Cirie promises to act worried until the Veto meeting is over.

11:00 PM BBT – Jag explains to Cirie his plan to put Cory and America on the Block. He thinks they’ve been trying to drive him apart from Blue. Jag says Blue told him things she heard from America and Cory that he had told them. Jag says that he’s done protecting Cory and America while having to ignore the things that have worried him about them.

11:05 PM BBT – Cirie tells Jag she doesn’t think his nominating Blue will be held against him.

11:20 PM BBT – Cirie is settling into the HN room since she can’t get into Comics (Felicia’s isolation punishment).

12:55 AM BBT – Jag tells Blue that he’s going to renom Cory and America. She’s thrilled and hugs him.

1:15 AM BBT – Blue and Jag still up and outside talking. She’s going over things she’s heard and known about Cory and America and why this is a good move by Jag.

2:00 AM BBT – Blue says Cory and America told her they’d rather go out on a Double Eviction so they can leave together instead of weeks apart. (Blue thinks this will be a DE week. It’s not.)

2:20 AM BBT – Jag and Blue are getting ready for bed. Everyone else is already there.

I’m pleasantly surprised by Jag on this one. Of course this might have been easier if he had kept his secret HOH a, you know, secret but that’s not how Jag does Big Brother. He wants everyone to know and now they will. But do we really think he’ll make the move to go after Cory and America? Seems like he’s painted himself into a corner on this one so maybe his hand will be forced.

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