A new episode of Big Brother 25 airs tonight starting at 10/9c (watch for possible sports delays in the ET/CT) picking up where Cameron ventured outside the BB25 House to blaze a trail to the Jury House. He’ll be there to greet the rest of the season’s evictees with a big “told ya so!” smile each week I’m sure. But for now, we need to find out who is going to join him next!
First up we’ve got the HOH competition and thanks to the arrival of BB Comics Week twists things are going to be a little bit different. First up is an “invisible” HOH that can be kept completely silent and hidden all week long. Hah! I kid. It’ll be spoiled to most the house very quickly.
And while the HOH is hidden the Nominations sure won’t be! This could be interesting to see how the Noms are revealed to the HGs without someone standing there turning the little key box for us to watch. We’ll find out tonight!
After that, the Double Veto awaits us on Tuesday’s episode with an extended show ahead this week. Maybe we should just do a run of Double Evictions instead and call it a night? No? Ah well. Okay, at least we’re less than a month left to go on Big Brother!
Big Brother 25 Schedule – Episodes:
Sundays are still airing at 10/9c for the HOH/Noms episodes and the rest of the season’s Power of Veto shows will air Tuesdays at 8/7c. Then for Thursdays, those will remain at 9/8c for the live eviction shows.
Special note for this week: Tuesday’s episode will run 75 minutes, presumably to make room for the second Veto comp. Rest of the episodes are the regular 60 minutes.
The Live Feeds have been clipping along so be sure to keep a watch on those. Stay up on the latest with our Feed Highlights Report and get all the top events from what’s going on.
Join us back here on the site tonight during the east coast broadcast at 10:00PM ET to chat live with other fans. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App and join us on Facebook & Twitter.