Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Veto Competition Results – Week 11

Power of Veto medallion on Big Brother - CBS

Results are in for the latest Power of Veto in Big Brother Comics Week where the usual weekly powers have a little extra twist to them. We’ve got a not-so-invisible HOH who decided to tell just about everyone left in the house and now he’s got to contend with some Multiplicity PoVs threatening his nominations.

Would there be more than one Veto this week on Big Brother 25? Or would the multiplicity apply to how many HG could be saved with the same medallion? Plenty of questions to figure out here but for now we’ve got the most important answer: who won the Power of Veto?

Houseguests were busy chatting this morning after what we thought would be the players pick (and we didn’t know that would work either with the “invisible” HOH). What we discovered was there would be two Vetoes and they’d be the result of TWO comps.

Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 11 Veto Competition Results:

  • Round 1: Jag won the Power of Veto
  • Round 2: Blue won the Power of Veto
  • Punishment: Felicia has 24 hours solitary in Comics
  • Punishment: Cirie has to wear a superhero costume on demand

Feeds were down for HOURS for this one and I assumed that meant it was for both of them considering how long it went. At first it didn’t seem like that was the case but then the pieces came together.

Jag and Blue wearing Veto medallions - CBS
Jag and Blue wearing Veto medallions – CBS

The first PoV comp was very physical as we’re hearing. HGs are in a lot of discomfort and pain. From the retells it sounds like the typical HOH comp with ropes and hanging in place but was used for the Veto. Sounds like Jag secured that first Veto.

The second Veto comp was played back to back and was apparently more of a game of chance and that’s what Blue won. Considering these are all retells from the HGs it’s possible we’re getting mixed up details and will see how it really went down on Tuesday night’s episode.

And for good measure, there was even a punishment doled out. Felicia snagged that “prize” and has 24 hours isolation in the Comics room. Ehh, that’s kind of her natural habitat these days anyway, right?

BB25 Week 11 Veto Meeting:

Well, Jag’s big plan is out the window now with that Veto win by Blue since she was his main target. Blue will obviously save herself and now there will be at least one renom. Cory worried to Cirie about Felicia winning the second Veto but Cirie pointed out she’s screwed either way. So Cirie is expecting to go up as the renom and she would be against Felicia for the vote.

We’ve learned that since Jag won the first Veto he’ll get to go second at the meeting since his Veto can be more reactive to the first one played (by Blue).

Jag will have some time to plan for this and he of course could plan a complete swap out of the current noms considering we know Blue will use hers. I doubt Jag would do anything so bold as a Cory & America renom pairing, but it’d be interesting. Maybe he shouldn’t have revealed his “hidden” HOH to everyone!

The Power of Veto meeting awaits the Houseguests on Monday and there should be plenty to talk about between now and then.

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