Big Brother 25: Eviction Prediction Week 3

Nominees Hisam and Cameron on the Block on BB25 - CBS
Nominees Hisam and Cameron on the Block on BB25 – CBS

An eviction awaits one of the remaining Houseguests tonight on Big Brother 25! Host Julie Chen returns to call each HG into the Diary Room room to cast their vote and send out either Hisam Goueli or Cameron Hardin out the door and forever away from the $750K grand prize. Who will be evicted tonight on Big Brother?

There are eleven votes, so no chance for a tiebreaker with our beloved Felicia HOH. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed her enthusiasm for the role but her power ended on Monday afternoon with the Veto meeting. Now it’s in the hands of the rest of these misfits.

A surprise awaits Hisam at the Veto meeting - CBS
Hisam Goueli on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Will the Vote Flip In Week 3?

There were some serious moments in the past two days on the Feeds where I thought, wow, this is really going to happen. Hisam was building momentum with his former allies and it seemed like they’d really consider this vote flip to keep him. Then suddenly someone in the group would wake up from their daze and remember why they wanted him out.

Hisam is a comp beast! And he’s overbearing. Combo his heavy handed methods with his allies, much less his foes, and put that with a fear of him running the tables against the rest in the later stages of the season and it’s clear to see why they must get him out now while they have the chance.

Hisam Goueli on Big Brother Feeds - CBS
Hisam Goueli on Big Brother Feeds – CBS

Who Will Be Voted Out In Week 3?

I’m expecting a fully unanimous vote against Hisam. Last week we didn’t see a single vote in support of Reilly, not even from Matt and that’s a shame. This whole “vote with the house” nonsense has gone on for years, it’s nothing new. Everyone is fearful that a sole vote against the hive mind will result in them being the next target. I get it, but I don’t like it.

When Julie reveals the vote watch for 11-0 Hisam evicted from the Big Brother house over Cameron who survives his second week in the pawn position. Will that be his new resting spot?

Personally, I’d much rather see Cameron go and Hisam stay on. Hisam is good for drama. Cameron is good for… I got nothing. I’m definitely not getting my way tonight on Big Brother 25 though.

Who do you think will be evicted from Big Brother 25 tonight? Cast your vote in our poll below!



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