Big Brother 25 Episode 17 Recap: Cameron’s Sweet (As Pie) Revenge

The joke might have been on Cameron during last week’s Big Brother 25 eviction, but he’s getting the last laugh this week.

Sunday nightโ€™s episode picks up right after the Head of Household competition. And Cameron is very aware that no one was happy he just won the key to that coveted upstairs bedroom.

โ€œI am beyond pissed,โ€ Cameron says right away. โ€œIโ€™m coming out gunโ€™s blazing.โ€

And Bowie Jane reacts also, but no one cares what Bowie says. But at least she finally gets some screentime. Bowie does tell her alliance that she would have liked to have known. Cirie says they still have the Bye Bye Bitches, but Bowie says she doesnโ€™t know if she does. She says she would have been cool if they had told her about the plan to vote Red out.

Cameron is up next to check in with his โ€œalliesโ€ and ask WTF happened. Cirie tells Cameron itโ€™s because Red betrayed Cameron and told them all Cameronโ€™s secrets. Cameron pretends to buy it and knows that he got played by everyone. He tells them that heโ€™s going to go after Jag and Blue but tells us in the Diary Room that heโ€™s โ€œgoing to burn this sucker to the ground.โ€

And after that HOH shocker dust settled a bit, we get some filler and then a bit of a foreshadowing moment.

Felicia, not knowing that sheโ€™s playing a game with a mother and son, goes to Jared and tells him that sheโ€™d rather have a final two with him than with Cirie. And Jared runs right to his mom to tell her. And Cirie adds that to the list of all of Feliciaโ€™s missteps, including asking Red if he was taking his cupcake home with him before eviction (hahaha).

Itโ€™s time for Cameron to start his one-on-ones. Up first is Cameron. And he eludes to her that she will be going on the block. So she brings out some waterworks. But Cameron is unaffected by her act.

Jag is up next. And he tells Cameron that he thinks itโ€™s a waste of their time to go against each other. Then Cameron says โ€œI really want to put you on the block next to Blue.โ€ But then adds that he agrees with Jag that it would be a waste of time. Cameron asks Jag that if he doesnโ€™t put him on the block, will be promise to give him the same promise next week. They shaked on it.

Matt has his moments with the rest of the house. He tells them all that the plan is Jag and Blue. But what is his devious plan really? Letโ€™s get to the nomination ceremony and find out.

This week we get a special humili-week nomination ceremony. Cameron has to put a pie in the face of the safe houseguests. The last two without pies are nominees. Just like the old keywheel!

And here’s the order of those safe and pied in the face: Bowie Jane, Jared, Cirie, Mecole, Cory, Matt, Jag (and everyone panics), Blue (and everyone panics more), and finally America. Felicia and Izzy are nominated.

Cameron tells them that theyโ€™ve had a comfortable ride and brings up them turning on Hisam and Red and he doesnโ€™t want to be a part of that pattern. And in his diary room after, he lets us know that heโ€™s very aware that Cirie is the president of that trio of her, Felicia and Izzy. So could Cirie be the backdoor plan for Cameron?

The Power of Veto has already been played (find out those spoilers here), but we won’t know until Monday if Cameron gets to name a replacement nominee.

Big Brother 25 Week 6 Nomination Ceremony Photo Gallery



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