Big Brother 25: Counting The Votes In Week 12 [POLL]

Jag Bains counting - CBS
Jag Bains counting – CBS

It’s double eviction eve for the Big Brother 25 houseguests, so as two evictions approach, it’s time to count the votes on the first one.

Blue and America remain on the block this week as we saw on Tuesday night’s episode, with Blue as Jag’s intended target. But has anything changed since the veto ceremony? Maybe. Blue is still Jag’s target as he’s focused on getting out the one person who could actually win a competition and come after him. And even though Blue is the person likely heading off to jury first Thursday night, we might actually have a split vote for a change. And then here’s the “maybe” part. It’s possible that has changed.

At the start of the week Felicia and Cirie were think they’re going to get Jag to get more blood on his hands by breaking a tie, but as it turned out Jag was all for a 2-2 vote so that he can try to turn America against Cirie and Felicia for voting to evict her. He thinks that this can help keep him and Matt safe if America wins the double eviction HOH. Jag’s thinking was that surely America would be so upset they just voted her out that she nominates them instead to the power duo that includes Jag who just won five competitions in a row. Surely.

Actually, Cirie and Felicia planned to tell America that she’s going to see something go down and they can’t tell her exactly what it is, but they just want her to know ahead of time. That way they can explain why the voted her out over Blue and not have her thinking there was a vote flip gone wrong.

Then overnight Tuesday that whole split vote might have been tossed out. Matt revealed to Cirie that Felicia had presented to Jag that Cirie was pushing the split vote to stain his hands with Blue’s blood. Once Cirie learned that she went to Jag and the course may have changed. Jag asked Cirie if they should split the vote or not. Cirie said no, it should be unanimous. So which is it?

We’ll be watching Wednesday’s Feeds to see where this settled, but here are the two potential voting turnouts:

Split Vote:
Votes to Evict America: Felica, Cirie
Votes to Evict Blue: Bowie Jane, Matt
Jag breaks the tie and evicts Blue.

Now if Jag decides he agrees with Cirie then watch for Felicia to fall in line with Cirie. It’ll be an awkward conversation when it has to be explained to Felicia why everything has changed, but that’ll be her problem at that point. Regardless, it looks like the votes are definitely there to send Blue off to jury.

Unanimous Vote:
Votes to Evict America:
Votes to Evict Blue: Bowie Jane, Cirie, Felicia, Matt

Who do you think will be evicted first on Thursday night? Let us know by taking our poll below.


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