Big Brother 25: CBS Shares More On Preseason Special

Big Brother 25th season special

CBS has released a little more details on its upcoming Big Brother preseason special episode to celebrate “25 years” of the series. Now, mind you, BBUS has not existed for 25 years, but it’s about to reach a milestone with Big Brother 25. That’s pretty great.

Set to air on Wednesday, July 26th on CBS as part of an Entertainment Tonight special, the show will be looking back over the first 24 seasons plus hopefully they’ll toss in some of the great BB Celeb seasons and the fantastic BBOTT too. Here’s a little teaser clip from CBS:

It’ll be a long list of past HGs included in the show, as reported by @SharonTharp: Cody Calafiore, Taylor Hale, Derrick Levasseur, Jordan Lloyd, Xavier Prather and Rachel Reilly, Azah Awasum, Hannah Chaddha, Derek Frazier, Frankie Grande, Tiffany Mitchell, Janelle Pierzina, Danielle Reyes, Kaysar Ridha, Jeff Schroeder, and Brendon Villegas.

And as a reward for sitting through the whole show, Sharon also noted we will then get a sneak peek at the Big Brother 25 house and some clues to the 2023 season’s twists.

Do you plan to watch the BB25 preseason special in two weeks? We of course will!



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