Big Brother 25 Cast: Meet The Houseguests – Bios & Pics

Big Brother 25 cast of Houseguests

Meet your Big Brother 25 cast as the new Houseguests have been revealed by CBS ahead of this week’s season premiere on Wednesday, August 2nd. As promised and hoped, these are all-new, no repeats no retreads for the 25th season of Big Brother! We’ll soon be watching these HGs head inside for the live move-in where they’ll compete for $750,000!

It’s definitely an eclectic cast for Big Brother 25 and that’s great, but of course we do have our usual tropes with a new Cornbread, another Brett type, oh there’s generic Tyler, but if the personalities work and more importantly they work together to entertain us then bring it on. One interesting casting we’ve noticed so far is Cirie Field’s son Jared. Cirie is a repeat Survivor castaway that you’ll likely recognize even if you aren’t a Survivor diehard. Let’s see what other tricks up the sleeves we’ll find with Big Brother cast this summer!

Read on for this season’s cast of Big Brother Houseguests and then get ready for them ahead of the Big Brother 25 premiere on Wednesday, August 2nd at 8PM ET/PT! Live Feeds also premiere that same night so grab your Paramount+ sign-up now and be ready to watch with us!

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Big Brother 25 Cast: Houseguest Bios

America Lopez - Big Brother 25

America Lopez (27)

Hometown/Current City: Brooklyn, NY
Occupation: Medical Receptionist

Blue Kim - Big Brother 25

Blue Kim (25)

Hometown/Current City: New York, NY
Occupation: Brand Strategist

Bowie Jane - Big Brother 25

Bowie Jane (45)

Hometown/Current City: Los Angeles, CA
Occupation: Barrister/DJ

Cameron Hardin - Big Brother 25

Cameron Hardin (34)

Hometown/Current City: Eastman, GA
Occupation: Stay-at-Home Dad

Cirie Fields

Cirie Fields (53)

Hometown/Current City: Jersey City, NJ
Occupation: TV personality

Cory Wurtenberger - Big Brother 25

Cory Wurtenberger (21)

Hometown/Current City: Weston, FL
Occupation: College Student

Felicia Cannon - Big Brother 25

Felicia Cannon (63)

Hometown/Current City: Kennesaw, GA
Occupation: Real Estate Agent

Hisam Goueli - Big Brother 25

Hisam Goueli (45)

Hometown/Current City: Seattle, WA
Occupation: Geriatric Physician

Izzy Gleicher - Big Brother 25

Izzy Gleicher (32)

Hometown/Current City: New York, NY
Occupation: Professional Flutist

Jag Bains - Big Brother 25

Jag Bains (25)

Hometown/Current City: Omak, WA
Occupation: Truck Company Owner

Jared Fields - Big Brother 25

Jared Fields (25)

Hometown/Current City: Norwalk, CT
Occupation: Exterminator

Kirsten Elwin - Big Brother 25

Kirsten Elwin (25)

Hometown/Current City: Houston, TX
Occupation: Molecular Biologist

Luke Valentine - Big Brother 25

Luke Valentine (30)

Hometown/Current City: Coral Springs, FL
Occupation: Illustrator

Matt Klotz - Big Brother 25

Matt Klotz (27)

Hometown/Current City: Baton Rouge, LA
Occupation: Deaflympics Gold Medalist

Mecole Hayes - Big Brother 25

Mecole Hayes (30)

Hometown/Current City: Upper Marlboro, MD
Occupation: Political Consultant

Red Utley - Big Brother 25

Red Utley (37)

Hometown/Current City: Gatlinburg, TN
Occupation: Sales

Reilly Smedley - Big Brother 25

Reilly Smedley (24)

Hometown/Current City: Nashville, TN
Occupation: Bartender

Any early potential favorites? Too early to know anything for sure, so we’ll be watching and waiting for Wednesday night. Remember it’s a 90-minute season premiere at 8/7c on August 2nd then no episode the next night before the regular routine picks up Sunday night. Get all the Big Brother 25 schedule details here. The Live Feeds start Wednesday night so grab your Free Trial now and be ready to watch!

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