Big Brother 24 Week 3: Eviction Prediction

It’s Eviction Day in the Big Brother 24 house, and it looks like The Leftovers alliance might be serving up a dish of Blindside Butterbeans. There must be some LEFTOVER from Pooch’s dish last week.

Or it might not be much of a blindside based on conversations had today.

As you probably know by now, The Leftovers alliance has decided to target Ameerah this week, and the plan was to blindside her, but the alliance is worried it’s going to look obvious there’s a big group voting together, which could out their secret.

So now there’s talk of Taylor or someone else telling Terrance there’s an alliance called Po’s Pack, led by Ameerah, so that everyone will have a reason to vote her out. That isn’t going to be as fun as a blindside, but it will help cover The Leftovers’ tracks. It does make sense, but of course we all selfishly want to see a true and shocking blindside.

So if that happens, it could be a unanimous vote, but if not, the vote could be more like 6-5 or 7-4, both in Terrance’s favor. That means our official prediction is that Ameerah will be evicted tonight. What we can’t predict is whether or not it will be a true blindside.

Based on out eviction poll, it looks like our readers agree that Terrance will be safe tonight. Ameerah has over 88 percent of the vote on who will be evicted tonight.

Be sure to join us here for our live recap of Big Brother 24 tonight so you don’t miss out on the Veto meeting and the live vote and eviction. You’ll also want to make sure you have the Live Feeds ready for then they return tonight, as there is sure to be some drama after tonight’s live show (and the next Head of Household competition).




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