We started this week with Turner winning the Head of Household for Week 8 of Big Brother 24. He then had to choose which of his two Big Brother alliances he was going to stay loyal to. Just when we thought he was going to side with the Leftovers over the After Party, he changed his mind and decided that he was going to nominate Brittany and Taylor with the plan to backdoor Michael. After the events inside the BB24 house on Sunday, it looks like Turner’s plan has shifted again.
Turner’s plan this week was to nominate Alyssa and Terrance and stay Leftover Strong going into this week. However, Kyle and Monte were able to convince Turner that Michael, Brittany, and Taylor were getting too close and that it was important to break up their trio. Turner’s plan then changed to one where Michael was his primary target, but he didn’t want to give him a guaranteed shot at playing in the Veto Competition. Turner decided to put Brittany and Taylor up initially. As we know, Michael was still picked and then went on to win the Power of Veto this week on BB24.
The backup plan from there was supposed to be to put a pawn up next to Taylor and for her to go. That is until Brittany and Michael decided to tell Taylor, Monte, and Turner some information that they had been sitting on for a while. If you missed any of those conversations, we have them recapped for you right here.
After all these conversations took place, it was clear to Turner that while Taylor voiced that she was going to target him and Kyle had she won the Head of Household, Kyle staying in the house was not good for his game either. Turner has told several of the houseguests that his plan this week is to renom Kyle when Michael uses the Veto to take Brittany off the block. This will leave Taylor on the block next to Kyle and based on the chats inside the house, Kyle is the new target.
Make sure you catch up on all the happenings inside the Big Brother house by checking out our Highlights Reports and we will have confirmation on what happens at the Veto Ceremony a little later today.
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