Big Brother 24 Live Feeds Week 8: Sunday Highlights

Matt Turner on Big Brother 24

This was no lazy Sunday. The house was rocked by revelations laid bare by Michael and Brittany regarding Kyle’s statements earlier in the game regarding alliances focused on race. We’ve detailed the “Kyle Exposed” topic and timelines for more info.

Feeds were in and out throughout the afternoon as we awaited more info on whether or not Kyle was still in the game. Or were the down Feeds just part of Michael’s prize reward from the Veto comp? Read on for the latest.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, August 28, 2022:

9:15 AM BBT – HGs got their wake-up call.

9:35 AM BBT – Michael is trying to get Monte and Taylor to join him with Brittany to talk in the HN room. Michael wants to tell them about Kyle. Feeds cut away.

10:40 AM BBT – Terrance gives Kyle a heads up that Michael and Brittany are upstairs talking with Taylor and Monte. Kyle talks with Terrance and Alyssa that he thinks Monte should be the renom next to Taylor. They agree and say it could make it look like they’re not working with Monte.

10:55 AM BBT – Monte is back downstairs in the kitchen with Kyle. Monte says he didn’t reveal anything about their new alliance. He asks Kyle who he thinks would be the renom. Kyle suggests it’ll be Terrance. Monte says he doesn’t know what Michael and Brittany could pitch to Turner.

11:16 AM BBT – Michael and Brittany have pulled Alyssa into the HN room. They begin a very long conversation about what Kyle has said and done in the game including considering letting her go back during the double Veto with Daniel. This eventually goes to Kyle’s proposal about an alliance to counter a possible Cookout II alliance.

12:00 PM BBT – The conversation continues with Michael & Brittany running Alyssa through what Kyle has been doing and saying.

12:30 PM BBT – Alyssa leaves the HN room and goes to the HOH that’s filled with HGs. They ask what Michael & Brittany were saying. Alyssa claims it was just about the LOs. She doesn’t mention the details of Kyle and Cookout II.

12:30 PM BBT – Back in the HN room Michael and Brittany say they’re glad they told Alyssa even if it’s bad for their game because they feel it was the right thing to do. They go next door and see Alyssa is already there.

12:40 PM BBT – Alyssa tells Brittany that she didn’t reveal anything to the HOH room and would let Michael do it.

12:50 PM BBT – Kyle meeting with Turner in HOH room along with Terrance. They’re discussing Michael & Brittany scrambling.

12:55 PM BBT – Brittany tells Taylor they let Alyssa know about Kyle. Brittany says it got emotional.

1:20 PM BBT – Alyssa telling Kyle that she’s feeling overwhelmed from the conversations she’s having.

1:20 PM BBT – Michael meeting with Turner and says he has to share information. Michael asks to lock the door so they are not interrupted. Brittany comes to join. They share the same details they told Alyssa about Kyle.

1:25 PM BBT – Monte is laying it out to Terrance that Kyle suggested all the Black HGs might be aligning to work together.

1:40 PM BBT – Conversation continues upstairs. Turner says he needs to process all this. He asks Michael what he plans to do with the Veto. Michael says he is going to save Brittany.

2:10 PM BBT – Alyssa tells Kyle that she was told he was saying an alliance was being formed based on race. Kyle starts to panic and says he would quit the game.

2:20 PM BBT – Kyle has been trying to get into the DR downstairs and upstairs but keeps getting told it’s unavailable. Kyle says he needs to talk to them immediately. He’s finally allowed into the downstairs DR.

2:45 PM BBT – Turner is meeting with Monte to sort out what they’ve both been told today by Michael & Brittany. Turner says Monte is now the only HG he trusts and asks what to do. Monte says he doesn’t want to align with Kyle anymore. Turner agrees and says he’s thinking of nominating Kyle. Turner let Monte know that Kyle was pushing for him to be renom’d. Monte isn’t surprised because then there would be two Black HGs on the Block.

2:58 PM BBT – Feeds cut.

3:53 PM BBT – Feeds are back.

3:55 PM BBT – Turner and Alyssa are talking in the HOH. Alyssa says she was overwhelmed by what she was told this morning. tells Alyssa he’s thinking of renom’ing Kyle.

4:20 PM BBT – Monte and Terrance discuss that this must be true because Michael and Brittany would put their games on the line with a lie like this.

4:35 PM BBT – Feeds are on Pet Loops.

7:25 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Michael & guests got to watch the movie from his Veto win prize. Taylor, Alyssa, and Turner attended the movie with Michael.

7:32 PM BBT – Kyle is spotted. He’s asking for Michael.

7:45 PM BBT – The backyard is open. Remember it’s been a long, long time for the BroChella HGs since they had the yard.

7:45 PM BBT – Brittany is crying. She says what happened was very emotional for the HGs who weren’t in the movie room. She’s being comforted by Alyssa and Taylor. Brittany says it was the hardest day of her life. Feeds cut before we can hear what happened.

9:41 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Few HGs in the backyard.

9:50 PM BBT – Terrance tells Taylor they need to reset the energy in the house. He doesn’t want to talk about what happened because he says the Feeds can explain it. (No, Feeds were down.)

10:05 PM BBT – Kyle is eating alone. Turner says he’s going to go talk with Kyle. Feeds cut.

10:20 PM BBT – Feeds are back. HGs are hanging around the hot tub enjoying the extra drinks they had left from last week.

10:50 PM BBT – Michael, Monte, Terrance, Turner, and Taylor chatting about life back home as they lounge around the hot tube.

11:40 PM BBT – Terrance, Turner, Alyssa, and Michael hanging out in the kitchen and snacking.

12:40 AM BBT – Turner and Monte playing pool and chatting about what a messy week this has been. They wonder about Joseph and how he’s handling Jury. Monte hopes he stays here longer so he doesn’t have to live with Jasmine too much in the Jury. Monte is surprised by the things Jasmine does given her age. Turner asks Monte which direction in the house they should go next week. They confirm Kyle is the plan to go this week.

12:42 AM BBT – Monte and Turner share they’ve both been told by Michael and Taylor that they’re safe for this coming week. Taylor told Monte, “we can’t punish someone for doing the right thing.”

1:30 AM BBT – Turner and Monte are still outside playing pool and chatting about life back home. No one else spotted around the house.

2:25 AM BBT – Monte, Taylor, and Turner are doing goodnight shout outs to the backyard camera.

3:00 AM BBT – After another long cut, Feeds are back to Taylor and Monte chatting in the bathroom about important social discussions.

3:30 AM BBT – Feeds return to lights out. Upstairs we find Monte, Taylor, and Turner still hanging out and chatting.

4:00 AM BBT – Last HGs awake are getting ready for bed.

Definitely a rough day for HGs on Sunday as things got pretty ugly and we missed a lot in the downtimes. The plan seems set now though for Turner to renom Kyle on Monday and he’ll be the fourth Juror of the season. Thursday is a long ways away, but this seems a difficult situation to overcome.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

Gallery: Live Feeds Highlights

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