Today in the Big Brother 24 house, after weeks of watching it build on the Feeds, Kyle Capener’s proposals to start what seemed a selectively all-white alliance against the POC Houseguests were finally brought to light and likely may have ended his game.
There was extensive discussions on the Feeds today that came to a head after last night’s decision between Michael and Brittany to reveal what Kyle had been doing and once again potentially shift the trajectory of the season.
On Saturday Michael had camtalked his desires to find something to wedge in and uproot Kyle’s efforts after Kyle had ended the Leftovers during the Dyre Fest week. Michael knew the revelation that Kyle had suggested a possible Cookout 2.0 alliance and his push to counter that imaginary threat would get the other Houseguests to reevaluate their consideration to work with Kyle. Michael was right.
There is a lot to watch here and you would be best served to fire up the Live Feeds and see it for yourself. Here are timestamps for where to turn and when to watch.
- 9:35 AM BBT – Michael is pulling together Monte and Taylor along with Brittany to talk
- 11:16 AM BBT – Michael & Brittany talk with Alyssa in the HN room
- 1:19 PM BBT – Michael and Turner talk with Brittany joining them
- 1:26 PM BBT – Monte tells Terrance
- 1:58 PM BBT – Terrance tells Kyle what he misunderstood
- 2:09 PM BBT – Alyssa tells Kyle what’s being said
- 2:19 PM BBT – Kyle finally gets into the DR
- 2:28 PM BBT – Turner camtalks
- 2:42 PM BBT – Turner talks with Monte on next moves
Here are the highlights/overview from the list above. Earlier in the morning, there was a conversation with Michael talking with Monte and Taylor. Feedsters suspect it was on this topic, but production wasn’t letting us hear or see what was going on in there. Lots of frustration on this as we were cut out.
Eventually, Michael and Brittany gave Alyssa the rundown on what had happened with Kyle and his attempts to suggest a Cookout 2.0 was happening and needed a counter alliance to be formed. She’s shocked. It’s a long conversation. When it’s done she goes to the HOH room and just says they were telling her about the LOs. Alyssa didn’t reveal the full discussion details.
Next was Michael meeting with Turner and asking to lock the door to prevent interruptions. Brittany joins this conversation in progress. They make the same reveal to Turner. He remains concerned about Taylor after she suggested putting him up as a pawn during the HOH, but the tide is changing with Turner as he starts to wrap his head around the situation.
Downstairs Monte is giving Terrance a heads up on what he learned from Michael and Brittany. Terrance misunderstands. Shortly after Kyle comes in and Terrance tells Kyle that Michael and Brittany are trying to form an all-white alliance. Kyle is confused but seems to figure out that Michael and Brittany are sharing what he’s said to them.
Kyle is in panic mode and goes to Alyssa. She confirms what he fears is happening. Kyle quickly tries to get into the DR saying he needs to speak with them immediately. Big Brother rejects his attempts to go into DR downstairs. Kyle goes upstairs and tries at that DR too but without luck. Eventually, he’s granted access at the lower level DR.
Turner meets with Monte and tells Monte that he (Monte) is the only one he still trusts. He asks Monte what to do. Monte says he doesn’t feel comfortable working with Kyle anymore. Turner reveals Kyle was pushing for Monte to be the renom. Monte isn’t surprised and says it runs with what they learned today because that puts two Black HGs on the Block and ensures one of them goes. Turner says he won’t do that and admits that he is leaning to renom Kyle.
As of publishing, Kyle has still not been seen on the Feeds since he rushed for the Diary Room. Couple of scenarios: Kyle returns and sees out the week as the renom and likely evictee and next Juror. Alternatively, Kyle could do a DOR (Drop Out Request), the formal self-removal from the game. He made some panicky comments to Alyssa that he’d quit if this was the picture being painted about him.
Update: Kyle has reappeared on the Feeds. Feeds came back at 7:25 PM BBT and Kyle was spotted a few minutes later.
Keep watching and stick around for updates. As of now, Kyle has made quite a mess of his game here and I don’t see him recovering from it either way.
Timestamp collection sources: @AMikeBloomType and @BigbrotherAMPM