Big Brother 24 for 2022’s summer season is nearly here and CBS is warming up the engine to get things started! We’ve got our first look at the debut promo for BB24 which is just as brief as always and complete with previous season bits because there’s nothing new to show yet. But First, it sounds like we know when the new season of Big Brother will start!
Thanks to @BBGossip we’ve got a lead on the season premiere of Big Brother 24 and just like last year, and this is the way it used to be, we’re looking at a July premiere date of BB24. Good. June was just too early, dragged out the season, and was too much of a good thing. Here’s what BBGossip shared from his sources:
twitter-tweet">And now I know more…. #BB24 Live Move In on Wednesday July 6th. Finale still up in the air – likely Sept. 21 or 28 (Wednesdays). #BigBrother
— Big Brother Gossip ๐บ๐ฆ (@BBGossip) May 19, 2022
Late September for the finale gives us eleven or twelve weeks of Big Brother, which works very well. Okay, so that sets us up for our Big Brother preseason schedule. Now on to the hype machine.
CBS put out a quick “get ready!” promo and it’s just what you’d expect. It’s got a blooper-fall, a group celebration, and Janelle because there’s always room for Janelle! Check it out below.
twitter-tweet">BRAND NEW #BB24 PROMO!!
— ๐๐ ๐ค๐ I BB24 ๐ (@Joshso18) May 24, 2022
We will keep watching for more Big Brother 24 preseason news as we head toward July for the season’s return. Remember we’ll have Feeds again as part of Paramount+ so be sure to get your Live Feeds with us and support the site. Thank you!
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