Big Brother 24 Casting: Apply Now For 2022 Season

Big Brother on CBS this summer 2019

Here comes Big Brother 24! Casting is underway for the summer 2022 season and once again this year we’re lucky to have the new casting director, Jesse Tannenbaum at the helm. He’ll be working again with his team to sift through the masses and find us the new batch of Houseguests for season 24 on CBS.

You’ll remember that last year the longtime casting director Robyn Kass stepped away from the series to take on other opportunities which brought back Tannenbaum who led the way on the BBOTT season way back when.

So far for Big Brother 24, it looks like there will be no open call audition events. Those have been eliminated since COVID-19 hit in early 2020. I was hoping we might see some of those opportunities return, but nothing yet on the official CBS casting page which even still talks about BB23 open calls being eliminated. That means it’s online or nothing so far for BB24!

Here is your link to the online application for Big Brother casting. This is the one place to do it and don’t let yourself fall victim to scams that want you to pay them for applying or helping you submit. Do it directly through CBS on their official casting site here.

To help you put your best digital foot forward, Tannenbaum has posted a guide video with important tips that you should definitely review to make sure you’re taking advantage of every edge in your submission. Jesse gives advice like making your video interesting by talking, not just including Tik Tok videos that give them no insight to you. “Make an actual audition video,” suggests Jesse.

What else? Skip those filters! Tannenbaum notes you won’t have a filter on the show, so don’t try to hide behind one now in your application. He also suggests you use good lighting and audio so they can see and hear you. Seems basic, but if he has to say it then it’s been an issue. So don’t be that applicant! Lots more good tips so take then 6-7 minutes and watch his guide video.

A big takeaway I hear mentioned every audition season is that the team really does review every application. If you submit it, then they will watch it. You have a chance so make it your best when you apply. And before you apply, be sure to check the requirements in the FAQs section here.

If you’ve applied in the past and been overlooked then keep trying. Apply every year and never stop. “If you give up, you won’t win Big Brother,” says Tannenbaum. Best of luck to all you Houseguest Hopefuls. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for some of our readers to make the cut and be on our screens this summer for Big Brother! And if you do get picked, don’t tell anyone! Keep it a secret or you’ll risk losing the opportunity. Seriously. Shush!



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