Big Brother 24: Premiere Date Confirmed With All-New Houseguests

Big Brother 24 on CBS this July

CBS has made it official. Big Brother 24 premieres on July 6, 2022, with a return of our summer passion and an early reveal that could shut down a lot of those expected rumors.

Last week we shared the reliable rumor that turned out to be exactly true. The BB24 season will kick off on July 6th versus a June debut, giving us a later start than we had seen in recent years while still mirroring last season’s launch (BB23 started July 5th). Now we’re on to the next big topic to discuss and CBS is already helping us out on that one… the cast of Houseguests!

Right there in the CBS press release the description clearly reads, “BIG BROTHER kicks off season 24 as a group of all-new Houseguests move into the BIG BROTHER House.” Yep, did you see it? ALL-NEW Houseguests. Perfect. We had enough runs of retreads and I’m thrilled for a new cast. That also ditches the usual rumor mill we’ll hear over and over that Vets are making their way back or Coaches will drop in. CBS is upfront stating all-new and they better stick to it!

Mark your calendars, we’ll be enjoying a 90-minute premiere of Big Brother 24 at 8PM ET/PT on Wednesday, July 6th, to be followed by the regular routine of Thursdays at 9PM and Wednesdays and Sundays at 8PM. And yes, Julie Chen is back as your host and we’ll see her every Thursday night for the live eviction shows.

And no worries, the Live Feeds are back once again on Paramount+ with your monthly subscription. Be sure to grab the Free Trial here from our website and support our efforts all summer long. Because it’s definitely a LOT of effort!

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Source: CBS Press Express



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