Thursday’s Big Brother eviction episode wrapped up without an HOH winner, but fear not because we have your spoilers and results on who won HOH last night! The Feeds returned and brought all the details we needed to confirm which HG would be calling the shots and naming the noms in Week 4 of Big Brother 24.
When the live show ended the Houseguests were competing in two rounds. First they had to find a red invitation amid envelopes dropping from the sky. First 8 HGs to find their red card would move on to the second round. As the episode cut we saw Jasmine, Terrance, and Brittany with their red cards. Then it was a waiting game but now we’ve got the final outcome!
Big Brother 24 Week 4 HoH Comp:
- Monte is the new Head of Household
Well that’s going to help keep the Leftovers’ plans rolling here and we could see Daniel or Nicole targeted next, but they won’t hit the Block together. Kyle is paired with Daniel and Taylor is paired with Nicole. Who gets to be the pawn?
Joseph is safe thanks to the Besties twist and don’t forget that Terrance joined Monte and Joseph after his Bestie was evicted, so that makes Terrance safe for the week too. I’m sure Terrance is feeling good about that choice now.
Who do you think the new HOH will send to the Block? Share some picks below and let’s see what happens.
Nominations are coming up on Friday then Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. It’ll be a very busy weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.