It’s been a whirlwind few days on the Big Brother 24 Live Feeds as the Houseguests reunited after the split house only to find it more divided than ever.
Turner took over as the new HOH and decided to stick with the Dyre Fest alliance, After Party, once they pulled in Monte as a fifth member. The target was set on Michael and they were off to the races. So was Michael.
On Saturday Michael secured the Veto win for himself which would prevent Turner’s Backdoor plans. He then planned to save Brittany and was ready to reveal what Kyle had told him. By the end of Sunday Kyle was without an alliance and the new likely target for the week.
Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 8
- Michael decided to USE the Veto on Brittany
- Turner named Kyle as the renom
- Kyle & Taylor are this week’s final noms
There are just five votes this week so no chance of a tiebreaker. Three is enough to send out the next Juror. Brittany, Michael, and Monte is all it takes to save Taylor over Kyle. I don’t see this week going much differently, but you never know.
Who do you think will be the next Houseguest evicted? Vote now in our poll below.