Big Brother 24 Spoilers: Week 5 Veto Competition Results

Veto medallion on Big Brother

The latest Power of Veto spoilers for Big Brother 24 are in from the Live Feeds and here are your results. Read on for this week’s PoV spoilers!

We saw Michael take over as the new Head of Household on Thursday night then he sent the trio of Joseph, Monte, and Terrance (Besties) to the Block with the likely intent of sending Daniel to the Block. Or maybe not. Hmm. There were some talks among the Leftovers that they could go with another option and maybe keep Daniel around since he was isolated. Choices, choices.

Veto player pick came along and added Jasmine and Turner to the mix. But we all know that Jasmine’s foot practically fell off so the big question there was if she’d be able to compete or not. Seems like it’d give the nominated trio a good shot at winning the medallion though they’re up against this season’s Veto King, Michael.

So who won the Power of Veto this week on Big Brother as OTEV returned?

Big Brother 24 Spoilers: Week 5 Veto Competition Results:

  • Michael won the Power of Veto

Good grief, Michael. That’s four Veto wins and one HOH win. We’re only in Week 5! Slow your roll, Mr. Target. He’s racking up the wins and HGs are going to fear him soon if not already. Let’s see how long before those talks start up.

OTEV was back and the theme was food or perhaps southern food? We’re still hearing bits and pieces. HGs were surprised to see OTEV this early in the season. They mentioned the ramp was easier to run up than they expected (perhaps a modification to help Jasmine?). Michael thinks he was the only HG to fall down the ramp.

So what will Michael do now? Earlier he was discussing with Brittany this is a good chance to build trust with Monte. I think Michael will be too tempted to save Monte & Joseph & Terrance and then BD Daniel. That’s what I’m expecting, but it’s still very early in the week’s routine.

Who do you want out the door this week? Share your pick below.

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