As Big Brother 24 winds down (it’s hard to believe we are already at the Final 5), it’s time to take a look at who should and who could win the game. It’s a bit tricky this season since Michael dominated so much of the game, but with him out of the picture we have to look at who else has done enough to win this season.
So let’s just sort of rank who should win Big Brother 24. My No. 1 spot is a mixture of who I think should win (Monte) and who I would like to see win based on their story (Taylor). And since this is not an analysis, I’m not going to do a deep dive into comp wins, strategies, social games or anything else. I save that for the Top 3. This is just based on my own surface feelings at the moment.
1. Monte/Taylor. Call it a copout if you will, but I just can’t pick one over the other at the moment. Especially considering Taylor just ended up on the block today after the veto ceremony. So I have to take that into account. As of now, Taylor winning the game would be a fantastic arc. Going from the biggest target in the house the first couple weeks to actually winning the game would just be such a great start-to-finish story. Not to mention the literal bullying she endured. The whole “Taylor’s Karma” narrative has been very popular on social media, so her winning would be the ultimate comeback, and payback. As for Monte, he went from playing an OK game to actually being the one responsible for Michael going to jury. It might have been Turner’s HOH, but it was Monte who won the veto and pushed for Michael to go. Turner was more than happy to send Brittany out during that Double Eviction. So I think that move alone puts Monte at the top of the list.
Can Taylor win? I think she has a great shot at winning against anyone left in the game. Especially if she survives this week, and gets herself to the Final 2. Michael helped Taylor a lot this season, and now is the time for her to help herself and show that she didn’t ride along like Brittany did. And that’s not even me really commenting on anyone being carried, it’s just predicting what might come up from how the jury perceived things. Can Monte win? I think Monte can surely win. I think he has a hard time beating Taylor and maybe even Alyssa, though. The end game will have a lot of impact on who wins. So it’s just really hard to say at the moment.
3. Turner. The way Turner has played the game for everyone else, I find it pretty hard to even rank him this high, but Brittany and Alyssa exist, so here we are. I don’t think Turner would be a terrible winner, but he has shown no kind of loyalty or integrity this season. And while that shouldn’t matter in a game like this, we’ve learned it does matter. So I’m not sure Turner truly has what it takes to win Big Brother.
Can Turner  win? If he goes along with Monte, then no way. Can be beat Taylor? Probably not. Can he beat Brittany? Yes. Can he beat Alyssa? Who even knows.
4. Brittany. I don’t think Brittany should win Big Brother at all. But she has definitely done more than Alyssa. So That’s all I’m even going to say.
Can Brittany win? No way. Not against anyone.
5. Alyssa. Alyssa should not win Big Brother 24. She would actually become the worst winning in the show’s history in my opinion. And what’s really scary about that is that she actually could win. So let’s go ahead and jump to that part.
Can Alyssa win? Yes. Yikes. She actually has a really good shot with this jury. So Turner and Brittany would be absolutely bonkers to leave her in the game this week.
I surveyed Twitter on how they’d rank the Final 5 based on how should win, and this is how the majority of those surveyed answered:
- 1. Taylor
- 2. Monte
- 3. Turner
- 4. Brittany
- 5. Alyssa
So we are pretty much on the same page there. Who do you think should and could win Big Brother 24?