Big Brother 24 Houseguest Popularity Poll Round-Up

It’s always fun to see what fans think of houseguests, and with Big Brother 24 getting off to a very controversial start, I wanted to take a look at what people think of this cast.

I checked out some of the most voted-on Big Brother 24 popularity polls on social media, and the findings were pretty much as expected. Also, be sure to vote in our own BB24 houseguest popularity poll at the end.

On Twitter, one of the most popular Live Feeds updates accounts is Big Brother Daily (@bb_updates). They have a poll in their website, and here’s what the latest results tell us:

  • 1 Michael
  • 2 Taylor
  • 3 Brittany
  • 4 Joseph
  • 5 Indy
  • 6 Nicole
  • 7 Ameerah
  • 8 Terrence
  • 9 Kyle
  • 10 Alyssa
  • 11 Monte
  • 12 Pooch
  • 13 Daniel
  • 14 Jasmine
  • 15 Turner
  • 16 Paloma

So Michael and Taylor have been going back and forth as far as the most popular houseguests in this poll. And as you can see, Paloma has been at the bottom a lot. That’s because fans are not happy with how she in particular has been treating Taylor. The house as a whole has ganged up on Taylor, but it was started and lead by Paloma, and her popularity is definitely suffering because of that.


And Big Brother Junkie (@89RazorSkate20 on Twitter) does their own poll on every week where every like and RT counts as a vote. Those results are similar with Taylor getting the most likes and RTs to take the No. 1 spot. Michael is a distant second with Brittany coming in third. Twitter is overall Team Taylor, and giving very little grace to anyone else, as no one has really done much to stick up for Taylor.

On the opposite end, it’s not Paloma that Twitter seems to dislike the most. The bottom spot as of now goes to Daniel with very, very few likes and RTs. Turner and Pooch are also down there at the bottom with Daniel. Also ranking lower than Paloma are Monte, Nicole and Jasmine. That I find interesting.

Another poll people often look to is the Jokers Updates Poll.

Like the Big Brother Daily poll, Michael takes the No. 1 spot there, followed by Taylor in 2nd and Brittany in third. On the bottom of that poll are Turner in dead last, just below Jasmine, Daniel, Paloma and Pooch.

So it looks like no matter where you go this season, Michael, Taylor and Brittany are the most favored houseguests currently while Turner, Daniel, Paloma and Pooch seem to be the most disliked.

Which Big Brother 24 players do you like or not? Let us know in our poll below.



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