Big Brother 24: Finale Date Revealed By CBS

Big Brother 24 this summer 2022

We haven’t even gotten this Big Brother 24 party started yet and CBS is already setting us up with the BB24 finale date! But it’s nice to have the bookends set so here we go.

After the new Big Brother season kicks off on Wednesday, July 6th at 8PM ET/PT we’ll be running through an 82 day season for these Houseguests which lands us for finale night on September 25th, a Sunday 8PM ET/PT two-hour event. So that’s a little different and having the whole night, instead of sharing it with Survivor, should actually be nice to give us more space to breathe and explore the season’s culmination.

What would you like to see CBS do with the extra thirty minutes of showtime for the big event? More Jury footage, actual questions for the pre-jury evictees? Or just an all-new way to wrap up the final HOH and final two face-off? Lots of options, but we also know production isn’t typically one to make changes in what they do each season so maybe not that overhaul to the final HOH, right? More Jury time is probably easier to work in.

Okay, so there we go. Big Brother 24 starts Wednesday, July 6th at 8PM ET/PT for a LIVE premiere followed by its scheduled episodes on Sunday (8PM ET/PT), Wednesday (8PM ET/PT), and then Thursdays (9PM ET/PT) for the live eviction shows each week. The fun is nearly back and we are ready!

As for Survivor, the new season starts the Wednesday before on September 21st, so we’ll get a brief overlap of our CBS reality series. Just more fun to keep us busy in the off season!

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