‘Big Brother 23’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night In The Double Eviction?

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother Double Eviction live show

Buckle up for the TWO-HOUR Double Eviction event for Big Brother 23 as we waited to find out who was voted out last night on Big Brother! The remaining six Houseguests battled to dodge eviction and take control in the final two weeks of the BB23 season. Who would step up and who would head off to Jury? It’s time to find out.

Tiffany is obviously the top pick to go out first with just three votes and the Cookout’s men ready to send her packing. But who goes next? Will Xavier take the HOH handoff from Kyland and target the remaining two women? Can Hannah pull off another DE HOH win to target the men? Could Derek finally get a win?? Okay, okay I went too far on that last one. When you’re done laughing we can continue on to the results.

Don’t miss this week’s Double Eviction episode! You can stream the episode live on CBS’s Paramount+ with the legacy plan or the new Premium plan in most markets across the US and the HOH comp on either plan so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight.

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It’s going to be a jam-packed two-hour-long show this round with the initial eviction, an HOH comp, nominations, Veto comp, Veto meeting, and then another eviction. The second HOH comp could be part of tonight’s show or saved to roll over into Sunday’s episode. We’ll be watching for those spoilers too and will keep you updated all through the show and after.

And don’t forget, there is a special Friday episode (8/7c) this week to take the place of Sunday’s episode that got bumped due to the Emmy Awards show on Sunday night.

Big Brother 23 Results – Week 10 Votes:

  • Derek F votes to evict: Tiffany
  • Xavier votes to evict: Tiffany
  • Azah votes to evict: Tiffany

By a vote of 3-0, Tiffany has been evicted from Big Brother 23.

Next the HGs will need to hurry out to the yard where a new Head of Household will be crowned. The winner here will decide on two quick nominees and sets us up for the next eviction.

Big Brother 23 Results – Week 10.5 HOH:

Round 1: HGs have to roll balls up a ramp to knock off 12 silver balls. First two to finish that task will move on to Round 2.

Round 2: Azah & Xavier have to roll balls to the top of the ramp and get them to stop in the grassy spot.

  • Round 1: Xavier & Azah move on to Round 2. Hannah & DF eliminated.
  • Round 2: Azah beats Xavier, 5-3!

Azah wins HOH!

She quickly tells Hannah that her plan is to put her (H) and Xavier up with X as the target because she has a deal with Kyland to not nom him, but she may renom him. She promises to break a tie in Hannah’s favor.

Big Brother 23 Results – Week 10.5 Nominations:

  • Azah nominates: Hannah & Xavier

Everyone gets to compete in this week’s Veto Comp with just five HGs left in the game. We heard this one rehearsed by production in an audio leak on Wednesday while the Feeds were down, so we know what to expect with the return of this popular competition.

Big Brother 23 Results – Week 10.5 PoV Comp – “What The Bleep?”:

  • Round 1: Hannah, Kyland, and Xavier get a point
  • Round 2: All but Hannah get a point
  • Round 3: Everyone gets a point
  • Round 4: Everyone gets a point
  • Round 5: Hannah gets a point
  • Round 6: Ky, Azah, and Xavier get a point
  • Round 7: Everyone gets a point
  • Tiebreaker: Xavier versus Kyland – Kyland wins

Kyland wins Veto. He can now save Xavier and both will be safe from the DE. Congrats, Azah. You blew it.

Big Brother 23 Results – Week 10.5 Veto Ceremony:

  • Kyland decides to save Xavier
  • Derek is the only renom option
  • Final noms of the round: Derek and Hannah

Big Brother 23 Results – Week 10.5 Votes:

  • Kyland votes to evict: Hannah
  • Xavier votes to evict: Hannah

By a vote of 2-0, Hannah has been evicted from Big Brother

We’re down to our F4 of the Big Brother 23 season. Now it’s time to crown a new Head of Household! But not just yet. Watch for those HOH results later tonight and we’ll keep you updated.

Big Brother 23 Results – Week 11 HOH:

After the show, we’ll be heading back to the Live Feeds to watch the fallout over who won HOH & the start of the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!

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