Now that Big Brother 23 Week 11 is well under way, it’s time once again for us to ask you who are your favorite houseguests and who you think is playing the best game this season.
We know you’ve got some opinions, because we’ve seen them all over social media! So now is your chance to weigh in officially but informally!
This week, in addition to the usual questions, we have added who you are voting for America’s Favorite Houseguest, and which of this Final 4 should win Big Brother 23.
We would love for you to help us out with this. After all, these polls are always a fun little way for us to see how Big Brother players are stacking up with the fans, and we know our readers and Big Brother watchers want to see how in line they are with other fans of the show. So please, if you would be so kind, take a few seconds and fill out the survey below.
And then be sure to head back here Tuesday evening to get the results of the eleventh Big Brother 23 poll. We will have a graphic showing how everyone ranked and we will also summarize each category, showing voting trends and final result percentages and differences.
So who are your favorite Big Brother 23 houseguests? Who is playing the best game SO FAR? Who are you voting for America’s Favorite Houseguest? Who should win? And how would you rate the season so far on a scale from 1-5? Let us know in the poll below!
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