Big Brother 23 Twist: Wildcard Competition Anticipation in Week 3

It is Week 3 inside the Big Brother house and we are kicking things off with the Wildcard Competition yet again. During Thursday night’s episode of Big Brother 23, Julie said that this week’s winner would have the ability to throw a monkey wrench into the Head of Household’s nomination plans.

We don’t really know the specifics of that just yet, but I’m sure that when the feeds come back up after the comp, we will have a better idea of what she meant. For now, let’s talk about who could possibly be playing in this week’s comp and what the plan is.

The Aces were planning to leave their pick up to random draw, but Xavier asked Derek X if he would be able to talk to his team and see if he could play. The only other person from his team that is eligible is Whitney and even though Whitney would likely be okay with throwing the comp, they didn’t want to take the chance. Unfortunately, if anyone from that team should play it’s Whitney because her name has been brought up several times as a possible nominee. However, not knowing what the stipulation is this week, they don’t want to chance that Brent might somehow end up with safety.

The Jokers hadn’t really talked about who would play in this week’s Wildcard Competition, but Britini really wanted to play. She did however said that if Azah or Derek F wanted to, she would let them. As far as their team, the only person that was remotely mentioned as a nomination possibility was Britini. Xavier did say he would prefer not to use her as a pawn this week, but he didn’t feel like he had a lot of options.

The Queens weren’t planning on picking who was playing from their team until they were able to talk to Xavier. Chances are they will leave it up to random draw. The only one from their team that isn’t eligible to play is Kyland since he played Week 1, so that leaves Claire and Tiffany. Xavier hasn’t mentioned either of their names, so I don’t think it matters which one plays and wins it. In fact, Xavier might prefer that one of them wins it because it gives him a reason to use someone like Britini as a renom option later.

It looks like the feeds are currently down for the Wildcard Comp and have been since 10 AM BBT so be on the lookout for Wildcard Comp spoilers a little later. In the meantime, who do you want to see win this week’s Wildcard Competition?

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