We’ve got your Big Brother spoilers for the new Wildcard competition on BB23 with three Houseguests competing for a second chance at safety here.
Competing today we had Tiffany, Britini, and Derek in the challenge here in the second to last competition of the Wildcard twist. Sounds like Britini was on the receiving end of being teamed up against by the other players today. Britini is of course very stressed by that and pacing around venting her frustrations. Meanwhile, the winner is ready to move on.
Big Brother 23 Week 3 ‘Wildcard’ Twist:
- Tiffany won the Wildcard comp
- Tiffany declined safety + twist
- TBD on the twist with the win this week
So far it sounds like Tiffany did not accept the twist that was tethered to the win so now that’s two times the safety has been declined over the power but given that Tiffany is in on the plan to take down this week’s target she would have felt confident in passing on safety for herself as part of the plan. That target is Brent and now we’re one step closer, but how will Xavier execute that move with these noms?
Now we’re off to the nominations waiting game for the HOH to name which two Houseguests will be sitting on the Block heading into Saturday’s Veto comp. Who do you want to see up there?
What do you think of these results? Share your thoughts below.
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