Big Brother 23 Twist: Julie Chen Shares On Teams & Captains

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 23

Julie Chen is back to dish a little more on the Big Brother 23 twist of Teams & Captains which kicks off at move-in on premiere night for BB23.

Julie explains to US Weekly how Big Brother will again follow its usual approach of sending in Houseguests in groups of four on premiere night and, just like we saw last season, each group will head to the backyard to compete for one winner per cluster. Those four winners, the “captains,” will then face more challenges, including picking teams of four.

To help keep things balanced and hopefully more interesting, the captains will have to keep the team structure set to two men and two women. Assisting in that selection process, the captains will get to watch short clips from each HG describing himself or herself.

Those four captains will then move on to the second part, competing against each other, just those four, to determine which of them will be the first Head of Household for Big Brother 23. That captain’s team of four will have safety for the week. But wait, there’s more.

At that point Julie is planning to drop a surprise offer on that first HOH. She feels it’s going to be so good that “he or she is not going to be able to refuse.” It’ll be a “double or nothing challenge.” Hmm, okay.

Julie promises we’ll see more of these offers throughout the season. Let’s go ahead and assume that means just the first four weeks because none of the twists ever seem to go too far and last too long. Hello, Tree of Temptation!

Along with all that “risk versus reward” for the season, Julie mentions there will be a bonus competition shown in each Sunday episode. No surprise there as production has been doing that for awhile to give us more to tune into on Sundays aside from the HOH’s nominations reveal which we’ve usually already known for two days. We’ll have to watch and see what happens with that.

Watch Julie’s interview with Sharon Tharp for more details on Big Brother 23 and the twists ahead:

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