Big Brother 23 Twist: Teams & Captains On Premiere Night

Big Brother 23 Starts July 7 2021

The kickoff Big Brother 23 Twist and theme has been revealed by Executive Producers Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan as we count down to just a few days until the new summer season starts on July 7th and they’ll be embracing the summer setting this time around.

“Big Brother Beach Club” is the new theme design for BB23 as the producers explained (Parade) they wanted the Houseguests to feel like they were out on vacation after a long year+ in this crazy world. “We wanted our house guests to be able to feel like theyโ€™re on vacation. I think weโ€™re all longing for our vacations to get out. Itโ€™s beach club meets casino; think Monte Carlo meets Vegas. Itโ€™s going to feel like a boutique hotel with a casino vibe.”

Going with that casino theme is a “high stakes” approach (isn’t it always?) with “risk worth versus reward.” And that’ll be part of the 90-minute season premiere next Wednesday (8PM ET/PT) when the 16 BB23 Houseguests move-in in groups of four and face off in a competition to set the team captains. Those captains will then watch 90-sec clips to learn about the other HGs and use that info to pick their teams, schoolyard style apparently.

Those captains will enter another competition to decide who will be the first Head of Household and which team is protected that first week. But wait, there’s more. The other three losing teams will have to nominate a champion to face off for them with yet another “risk vs reward” situation for safety plus consequences. Who knows, sounds messy, and that should be fun, right?

What do you think of the Teams & Captains twist for Big Brother 23? Feels familiar, right? Yeah, we’ve seen that approach over the years and hopefully these smaller groups will try to steer HGs away from the mega-groups that overwhelmed the start of recent seasons. Fingers crossed. Either way, it’ll only last the first 4 weeks and then we can expect the new twist to hit the house.

Don’t forget: the 1-Month Free Promo Code MOVIES expires 6/30, so grab your Live Feeds Free Trial NOW and be set for the start of Big Brother 23 when those Live Feeds launch on premiere night. Woohoo! Paramount+ has replaced All Access in name, but it’s still the same home of your Feeds.

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