Spoilers are in for this week’s Veto Ceremony on Big Brother 23 as the Feeds are back and HGs have revealed our results. The latest PoV holder has made his choice and now it’s time to see what the Nominees will do and how the Houseguests will vote this week. Read on for the Big Brother spoilers.
Here we go with a repeat of last week as Christian holds the Veto and won’t share it with either of the nominees. Back into the box goes the medallion as Christian has decided to keep his target Whitney on the Block and Hannah will remain as his pawn.
Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 4
- Christian decided to NOT use the Veto
- Hannah & Whitney are this week’s final noms
Whitney gave it a shot last night to try and persuade Christian to get DX on the block as a new target but Christian wasn’t buying it. He listened politely and then relayed her talk in discussions afterward saying he wasn’t going to make a change. So no surprises here today.
That leaves Whitney with the challenge to sway the voters to take out Hannah. Aside from Sarah’s strong desire to get Hannah out the door I don’t see there being enough support in the house to pull this move off in the next few days. That would mean the second straight week of a Aces heading out the door leaving DX and Hannah as the last of their team.
Who do you think will be the next Houseguest evicted? Vote now in our poll below.
Want to watch the meeting fallout and next moves made this week? Grab the Live Feeds’ Free Trial and start watching what’s going on inside the house right now!