Big Brother 23 Live Feeds: Power of Veto Plans for Week 1

Now that the nominees have been named, it is Power of Veto Day inside the Big Brother house! There was a huge fallout after the Nomination Ceremony on Friday, which not only made for great feeds but also put a plan in place for most of the Big Brother 23 houseguests.

Frenchie realized shortly after the Nomination Ceremony, where he nominated Kyland and Alyssa for eviction, that he may have nominated Alyssa based on false information. Frenchie was under the impression that Christian and Alyssa were super close and that Christian was coming for him. Since Christian is safe for the week, thanks to the Wildcard Competition, Frenchie thought that going after Alyssa was the next best move.

After talking with Alyssa, Christian, Derek F, Britini, and Azah Friday, he realized that Christian and Alyssa weren’t as close as he thought they were. The reason Frenchie thought that they were close was that HGs kept coming to him and telling him that the two of them were forming alliances and that they were all coming for him. Most of these rumors stemmed from things that Derek X has said to other HGs and that’s where the POV plan comes into play.

After making the bad decision of targeting Alyssa, Frenchie went to his closest allies and asked them all to use the POV if they should win it. Whitney, Brent, Christian, and Hannah were all amongst the people who said they would use the POV if they won it. The plan from there would be to backdoor Derek X.

With the Power of Veto Players joining Frenchie, Kyland, and Alyssa being Derek X, Travis, and Tiffany, this could put a damper on Frenchie’s plan to target Derek X if Derek X should go on to win the comp. Derek X and Travis both know that they could end up on the block if Kyland or Alyssa come down, so I’m curious to see what happens if they win. Make sure you come back later for POV Comp spoilers to find out who wins!

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