Following the Big Brother 23 veto ceremony Monday afternoon, the replacement nominee saw the writing on the wall very quickly. But that didn’t stop him from starting his campaign trail right away. Meanwhile, the rest of the HGs began to think about next week’s twist, and how it could affect their games.
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Big Brother 23 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, August 23, 2021:
3:05 PM BBT – Derek X tells Derek F that Britini was better for his game, but not good enough to vote him out last week. Derek F says he appreciates that. DX says if he helps him this week, he will have him for the rest of the game. DF says to give him some time to figure things out.
3:49 PM BBT – DF runs down the boot order with Kyland. He says DX goes this week, then SB, then Claire, then Alyssa. Kyland says yes, that’s an ideal scenario. They think Alyssa will take a shot at Claire if she wins, so they won’t have to do that. DF says he has to be the one to get Claire out.
3:52 PM BBT – Kyland tells DF that if he wants to take the shot at Sarah Beth, he has to win that secret HOH. Kyland says they just have to be sure Alyssa or Claire don’t win HOH.
4:00 PM BBT – DF asks Xavier and Kyland how they get the three guys to the end. Xavier says if it gets down to final six, each of them are guaranteed to play every veto competition. He says they can run the HOHs and vetoes until they get to the Final 3. Kyland says he can’t think of any vetoes the women would beat them at.
5:30 PM BBT – DX tells Hannah he feels good about her vote. She assures him he 100 percent has her vote. Hannah tells him she will be in people’s ears but she’s not going to actively campaign for him like Alyssa did for Christian, because that backfired on them.
5:37 PM BBT – DX tells Hannah that his pitch to Tiffany, Azah and DF will be if he leaves, there is one side of the house that has all the power.
5:50 PM BBT – DX says to Hannah that he really hopes she wins this season. He asks her who she thinks will win. She says right now, Xavier.
6:00 PM BBT – HGs preparing some dinner.
6:03 PM BBT – DX says he’s not going to win this game, but wants to give Hannah, Tiffany, and even DF and Azah, as best a chance as possible to go far in this game.
6:06 PM BBT – Hannah, talking to the cameras, says she feels so bad for DX but he just can’t stay. She says she hasn’t felt this guilty in a long time. She says she could have done something to prevent this from happening, but she didn’t.
6:11 PM BBT – Hannah tells DF she feels guilty because she’s been helping DX with what to say to him, Kyland and Azah, and knows that is giving him false hope.
6:25 PM BBT – Tiffany asks Kyland if there’s any chance DX can stay. Kyland says it’s not just up to him, but knows it would be good for him and Tiffany if DX stays, but it wouldn’t be good for the six as a whole.
7:00 PM BBT – Dinner time for HGs.
8:10 PM BBT – Claire tells DX she would want to go after Xavier because he is playing the best game. DX asks who she would put up next to X to make sure he goes home. She says Derek F or Kyland. DX says he feels like Alyssa would stay over X.
8:40 PM BBT – Claire says that DX would have probably done better on Survivor.
9:00 PM BBT – HGs enjoying the outside while they can.
9:45 PM BBT – DF brings back the Big Blue Coach for Season 2.
10:15 PM BBT – Azah and Tiffany discuss their chances against the men in CO. They decide they need to get the men out first.
11:00 PM BBT – Focus has shifted to another safari-themed Mafia game.
12:30 AM BBT – Alyssa talks with Kyland about the votes. Kyland is confident they have the four votes to get DX out this week with her (A), him (K), Xavier, and DF.
12:35 AM BBT – Hannah discusses keeping DX with Azah. Azah says she needs to think about it.
12:40 AM BBT – Hannah tells Azah that Tiffany will have to vote to keep Claire or otherwise it’ll be bad for her game with Claire going forward.
12:50 AM BBT – Tiffany and Claire talk about the other duos with Kyland+Sarah and Xavier+Alyssa, and how they can split them up.
1:00 AM BBT – Kyland and Alyssa contemplate Claire’s role in recent votes. Alyssa is feeling very confident and talks of how DX isn’t as street smart as she is. Alyssa boasts of having won a comp (Veto last week… that was thrown to her) while other HGs haven’t won anything.
1:45 AM BBT – Hannah talking about the Triple Eviction last season and thinks it was to speed things up and get it over. (They’ve got their own Triple Eviction coming up.)
1:55 AM BBT – Claire camtalks that she trusts Tiffany and Azah. She wonders if Kyland and Sarah Beth have a deal with the Kings.
2:00 AM BBT – Hannah suggests to Kyland they make the vote 4-3 in case there’s a Jury Battle Back and DX returns. Kyland points out that’s very close to it flipping the other way.
2:10 AM BBT – Alyssa mentions to Xavier that she thought Kyland and Sarah were holding hands earlier.
2:30 AM BBT – Hannah tells Kyland that Azah is unsure of her vote and may try to convince him to keep DX this week.
3:00 AM BBT – Kyland and Hannah are debating the other HGs’ real jobs. They don’t believe Xavier is a bartender. Hannah thinks Sarah Beth is really just “Sarah” and she uses a fake voice.
3:20 AM BBT – Azah and Hannah discuss losing the burden of their +1 (Britini last week and DX this week).
3:50 AM BBT – Lights out.
Still some discussion over DX staying or going, but nothing serious. DX remains on the track to eviction and could still pull a vote or two along the way, but not enough to change the course. Just two more days before it’s back to Eviction Day.
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