Big Brother 22 made US franchise history Thursday night when three houseguests were sent packing in one night.
The first Big Brother US triple eviction went off, but not without a hitch. Julie said multiple times throughout the night that they weren’t going to let the players know about the triple until later. And then right before the second eviction, the players noticed the “Triple Eviction” sign on the screen behind Julie Chen.
At the point, Memphis had nominated David and Nicole. Christmas had won the Power of Veto and had chosen not to use it. And then before the vote, everyone spots the sign. Everyone got nervous and confused and then were asked to go vote. During the vote, Tyler and Christmas took a shot at Nicole. And everyone watching was on the edges of their seats. Was David actually going to survive the vote? Enzo and Tyler just had a talk that if they had the opportunity this week to send Nicole out they would do it. I was completely certain Enzo was going to sit down and say “I vote to evict Nicole.” But he didn’t. He chickened out and went with who Memphis and Cody wanted out, which was David.
This was particularly frustrating since Enzo has been complaining about no one making a move for weeks. He even said they just keep wasting nominations on Kevin and David. And he turns around and votes for David to go. Was it really just because Cody and Memphis wanted it? Or did that glitch really scare him into voting to keep Nicole?
I think that’s possible. I think had they not seen that there was going to be another eviction immediately after, Enzo’s vote would have been different. I think Enzo realized that if he went against Cody and Memphis and then Cody won the next HOH, he could be in danger. At that point, it was probably just a safer bet to send David out. Otherwise, Enzo could have had several days to make his vote against Nicole right with his allies.
While it was very annoying to see Enzo do exactly what he’s been complaining about, I think it made a little bit of sense. And so I blame that glitch. And was that glitch intentional? Who knows. It could have had the opposite effect, so it’s hard to say. By that I mean, they could have seen the Triple Eviction sign and thought, well hell, we better vote out Nicole to weaken Dani in the next round. And I think that’s what Tyler and Christmas were thinking when they pulled the trigger on Nicole.
But now I’m just speculating, and hoping we will have some of that cleared up on the Live Feeds in the next day or so. Would Enzo have gone for Nicole if he felt safer? Maybe he’ll let us know.