Big Brother 22: Nomination Anticipation in Week 9

There is a new HOH in charge in the Big Brother house and now that The Committee has started picking each other off, it could prove to be an interesting week. So who will this new HOH target this week on Big Brother All-Stars? Read on to find out!

After the Triple Eviction sent Kevin, David, and Dani to the Jury House, the remaining HGs went on to play in yet another Head of Household competition on Big Brother 22. When the feeds came back the HGs were all relaxing, but we finally got confirmation that Cody had won the HOH to kick off week 9 of Big Brother.

Cody talked to Nicole last night about how Christmas and Tyler tried to flip the vote to get Nicole out over David. Nicole was clearly not happy about this. Cody confirmed with her that he was going to put Christmas and Tyler on the block together. He has made it clear that Christmas is his target this week.

Enzo made a comment to Cody that he didn’t realize how close Christmas and Tyler really were, especially since she has been gravating towards Memphis in the last couple of week. Enzo also told Memphis that they have to make sure they win the POV so that they can keep the noms the same and Memphis seemed to be on board with this idea. However, is Memphis just telling Enzo what he wants to hear? Cody and Enzo seem to think that Memphis won’t react very well when he finds out that Christmas is really the target.

With us being down to the F6 on Big Brother 22, all the HGs will play in this week’s POV. Things have the potential to get interesting if Christmas wins the POV or if Memphis wins and pulls her down. Stay tuned for confirmation on who this week’s nominees will be. Do you think that targeting Christmas is best for Cody’s game?

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