Big Brother 22 Rumors: Production Schedule Delayed But Hope Remains

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother on CBS

The new season of Big Brother 22 is shifting again, according to the latest rumors. Previously word was the already delayed launch of BB22 would be in mid-July, weeks after its recent late June premiere. Now that mid-July target is rolling over to August.

On Sunday we heard from @BBGossip that his source indicated the new season would begin on August 5th with Houseguests, still expected to be returning players, heading into quarantine long before that date. Overnight TMZ shared a similar report with their own production source claiming a start date of early August for Big Brother this summer.

In usual useless TMZ fashion, they also noted, “should be smooth sailing once contestants are in the house … it’s been a bubble-like atmosphere long before COVID-19.” Ehh, not in the least. The Big Brother house is routinely entered by staff and production. Direct interaction is limited but indirect happens every day. Production brings things into the storage room, sets up displays in the kitchen, makes repairs when that shower inevitably backs up, and the competitions are built right there in the backyard. The real challenge could be how to keep production safe and from introducing anything foreign into the Big Brother 22 house.

There are a lot of obstacles for CBS and Fly On The Wall Entertainment to make this season happen but it still sounds like they’re working hard to pull it off. Definitely hope they do! We’ll keep sharing more details as they come up but in the meantime keep your fingers crossed for Big Brother 22!



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