More Big Brother 22 rumors continue to keep us busy and thinking here in the build-up to what’s hopefully just a delayed arrival of our summer Big Brother fun. This time the topic is just when we’ll be seeing BB22 arrive and why it’s looking more and more like a season of returning Houseguests.
Previously we noted the potential for an All-Stars 2 season for Big Brother 2020 but perhaps the AS2 label is misplaced. Setting the bar that high, for a season filled with all-star level HGs, could end up disappointing a lot of fans so maybe we should just call it what it is, a season of returning HGs, only with a much more clever name than that!
The latest development has revealed CBS is posting one-day video shoot job postings in cities around the country, a move typical of any season where Big Brother goes to shoot the “oh wow! I’m so surprised to find this giant key!” segments.
RealityBBQ put together this list of cities where CBS advertised a field producer one-day gig:
- Miami FL
- Queens NY
- San Diego CA
- Detroit MI
- Minneapolis MN
- Trenton NJ
- Savannah GA
- Houston TX
- Dallas TX
There are some interesting possibilities here and we could be having quite a Big Brother 22 roster here with some of the options. Miami? That’d be Josh (BB19). San Diego could be Kaycee (BB20). Detroit? Well, that’s Dan (BB10 & BB14). Minneapolis… wait, could they get Janelle?? The list goes on and there’s a good thread of discussion with RBBQ’s tweet.
EvelDick has been sharing a lot of potential leads too. He’s claiming that yes, both Josh and Kaycee are back for the new season along with BB21’s AFP Nicole, DaVonne, and Haleigh. He’s heard that Josh is out there calling and building alliances preseason.
Anything is possible right now and maybe the cast hasn’t even been solidified. We know producers have been contacting past HGs for months now so they’ve probably built up a big list of options and things can change in the coming weeks. So just how many weeks do we have until Big Brother 22?
In recent years the season has started at the end of June and here we are in mid-June already. Well, that isn’t happening. Instead, another circulating rumor has it that BB22 will start in mid to late July. Does that mean we’ll see a short season ending in mid-September? That same spoiler account is saying the season could run into late October to give us a full run of Big Brother. If CBS needs more time to fill out their fall season due to production delays then that’s a reasonable projection.
Lots of interesting rumors going around for sure. The whole returning cast situation isn’t a surprise to me whatsoever. After last year’s cast flop I expected way back then that we’d see returning players this summer, as at least part of the cast, to give CBS a more known factor in what they’d have. If they can get away from the idea of it being an All-Stars season it’ll probably go over even better. Bring in a handful of fan favorites and “villains” to keep us watching and we’ve got a game to keep us busy and entertained. I’ll take it. What about you?