Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Week 9: Friday Daytime Highlights

It is Nomination Day in the Big Brother 22 house and the new HOH is putting their plan in place for this week and figuring out who the target should be. There are a couple of Big Brother All-Stars in the house that are feeling pretty nervous and rightfully so. Get the details about what we could see happen inside the Big Brother house this week right here!

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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Friday, October 2, 2020:

9:30 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.

9:30 AM BBT – Christmas comes downstairs feeling emotional and asks Memphis if she can have a hug. He tells her of course and gives her a long hug and tells her “three weeks, four days.”

10:00 AM BBT – Nicole is camtalking and apologizing to Dom for what she did to Dani.

10:10 AM BBT – Nicole is beating herself up about not being able to win any of the comps Thursday. She said she didn’t even know she was going to go up on the block and she was crapping herself the whole time.

10:21 AM BBT – Enzo camtalks in the living room about how he has to talk to Tyler and give him a heads up. Says it’s going to suck, but he has to.

11:30 AM BBT – HGs are hanging out in the kitchen while Memphis, Cody, and Tyler talk about football.

11:44 AM BBT – Nominations Today shows up in the living room television.

12:20 PM BBT – Enzo tells Tyler that he isn’t sure if Cody is going to put Tyler up, but he is feeling iffy about the vote against Nicole. Enzo tells Tyler that he needs him in this game so he wanted to give him a chance to come up with something.

12:30 PM BBT – Cody and Memphis are talking about the Triple Eviction and how Tyler and Christmas tried to flip the vote on Nicole and send her to Jury instead of David. Their plan failed when Enzo didn’t flip his vote.

12:33 PM BBT – Memphis tells Cody how Christmas is constantly trying to prove that she is making moves trying to get jury votes and he’s like “I’m still in the house.”

1:04 PM BBT – Tyler tells Cody that he messed up last night. Cody tells him that it definitely made everyone look at him.

1:08 PM BBT – Cody tells Tyler that he doesn’t feel any differently about Tyler because of it. Tyler tells Cody that if he is on the block, he’s gone if he is sitting next to Christmas. Cody tells him that he has already talked to Nicole and made it known that she has to vote Christmas out. Cody tells him that he has to trust him.

1:21 PM BBT – Enzo tells Christmas that he doesn’t know what Cody is going to do, but he has her back no matter what. He tells her that he needs her in this game and trust her and Memphis in this game.

1:25 PM BBT – Cody tells Nicole that he is leaning more towards Christmas going this week, but he could do without Tyler in this game too. Nicole says that she doesn’t like either one of them and Tyler is better under pressure, but if they keep Tyler, then Memphis has a target other then Nicole.

1:27 PM BBT – Nicole says that Christmas is tied to Memphis. She also adds that if Tyler wins HOH, Memphis will go and if Memphis wins HOH, Tyler will go next week.

1:30 PM BBT – Cody tells Nicole that they need to win POV and keep the noms the same. Nicole tells him that they need to keep the noms the same and let them throw each other under the bus.

1:33 PM BBT – Enzo tells Tyler that Cody and Nicole defintely came into this house with a relationship. Tyler tells him that Cody says that he can get Nicole to keep him in the house and Tyler told him there is no way. Enzo tells him he needs him in the game.

1:45 PM BBT – Nicole tells Cody that she feels small and weak this season. She says that her physical inabilities has never hindered her in this game until this season.

1:50 PM BBT – Christmas tells Cody that yesterday was a sh*tshow and starts to explain the Nicole vote. Christmas tells him that they had a deal that if Nicole got HG Choice, she would pick her to play and Christmas would use it on her. After she won the POV, Nicole gave her the green light to not use it.

1:53 PM BBT – Christmas mentions how they had the alliance had the first one named was the target, second was a backup plan. Christmas was then approached by Tyler and he told her that the vote was flipping and when she tried to confirm with Enzo and Enzo said “let’s go” and she took it as a confirmation.

2:08 PM BBT – Cody tells Christmas that he has to do what’s best for his game. He thinks that things are going to continue to play out throughout the weeks.

2:19 PM BBT – Cody tells Enzo that they both know they are going up. He tells Enzo that he was straight forward with Tyler, but only implied it to Christmas. Cody tells Enzo that Christmas’ story was all over the place.

2:21 PM BBT – Christmas tells Memphis that if she goes up next to Tyler, he can not win the POV. Memphis says that we are all gunning for it though and implies that he is especially going to gun for it.

2:25 PM BBT – Enzo says that he is going to see how things play out and he is going to tell Memphis last minute that he is going to vote out Christmas.

2:30 PM BBT – Christmas is trying to clear the air with Nicole about the vote Thursday night.

2:38 PM BBT – Nicole tells Christmas it hurt her because she didn’t see it coming, but tells Christmas not to beat herself up too much.

2:50 PM BBT – Enzo asks Christmas how her talk with Cody went. She tells him it went okay, but she has an inclination that she is going up next to Tyler. Enzo says that means that Cody is really tight with Nicole.

2:54 PM BBT – Christmas tells Enzo that the only one that can’t win the POV is Tyler. Enzo tells Christmas that she has something that Tyler doesn’t have, The Wise Guys.

2:56 PM BBT – Christmas says that if she wins the POV, she doesn’t want to use it because she doesn’t want to see anyone go up in her place. Enzo tells her that she has to use it on herself. She says that she wants to show the house that she knows who should be going home and no one else goes up in her place. Enzo says that’s a great way to show honor to Memphis and Nicole, but it’s a ballsy move.

3:00 PM BBT – Enzo tells Christmas that Cody has a close relationship with Nicole and even though he is close with Cody, Cody doesn’t know he has the Wise Guys. That’s his protection.

Christmas and Tyler both know they are heading to the block for Week 9 of Big Brother, but neither of them knows who the target for this week is. Cody is keeping that information between him, Enzo, and Nicole until after the Power of Veto competition plays out. Stay tuned for the Nomination Ceremony spoilers coming up later for confirmation on this week’s noms. In the meantime, do you think that Christmas and Tyler is a good choice, or should he be targeting someone else?

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