It is Saturday, which means it’s Power of Veto day in the Big Brother house! The players will be picked and the comp will take place a little later. For now, here is what we can expect to see happen depending on who wins.
As we all know, Enzo went on to win the Head of Household competition for week 4 of Big Brother 22. Enzo named Kaysar and Kevin as his nominations for the week with Kevin being a pawn and Kaysar being his number one target of the week.
Since Janelle’s departure on Thursday night, Kaysar has really been putting in a lot of work when it comes to his social game. One HG that he has been able to get pretty close to is Christmas, but will she use the Power of Veto on his if she plays and wins?
After the nominations were done, Kaysar asks her if he gets HGs choice, can he call on her to play for him? He tells her that he would understand if she says no because she doesn’t want to expose herself to save him. She tells him that she wants to say yes, but asks him if she can sit on it and let him know later. She wants to see where Enzo is. He tells her that the line has been drawn and they know that if he stays, he’s coming for them and there is nothing he can do so stop that from happening.
A few hours later, Christmas went to talk to Enzo. Enzo tells her that Kaysar asked Ian if he would use the POV to save him if he won but Ian told him that he would have to think about it and see what Enzo would want him to do. Christmas tells Enzo that she thinks one of the girls (Bay and Day) might use it on him and Enzo tells him that if they do, the other goes up. However, if Christmas uses it on Kaysar, who would Enzo put up in his place?
Do I think that Christmas will play to win if she is picked so she can save Kaysar? No. Do I think there is anyone in the house, other than Kaysar, that will save him if they win? No. It is most likely going to be another week where Kaysar is going to have to save himself. However, we will have to wait and see what happens later today to know for sure.
Update: Players were picked. Tyler, Bayleigh, and David are added on to the comp. Kevin drew HG Choice and went with David. Later Day asked Kevin why he picked David instead of her (Day has never won a comp) and Kevin said he wanted someone who would be a beast in the comp. So the idea there is that Kevin doesn’t necessarily need to win to be safe this week, he just needs Kaysar to not win and Kevin felt this was his best shot at that.
Update 2: Veto comp started at 6:50PM BBT. Spoilers when the Feeds return!
Update 3: Results are in! Find out who won Veto this week…
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