Big Brother 22 Live Feeds: Dani Sets Next Target On Remaining Female Duo

Dani Donato on Big Brother 22

Dani Donato is playing an odd game on Big Brother 22 as it feels like she’s running plays from Franzel’s old gamebook entitled, “Get Rid Of All Women.” Perhaps it makes them the perfect duo with an aligned vision, at least in their minds, and it also makes the other female duo a threat to that position. Watch out, Bayleigh and Da’Vonne!

Overnight on the Live Feeds, Flashback to 2:01 AM BBT 8/28 Cams 3/4, we heard Dani and Franzel still talking about Janelle and their fear that she’ll come back and laugh at them. This pair’s favorite topic has been Janelle so watch for that to last a while longer even with her gone. But, with Janelle out, they now need to focus on the next threat.

Enzo, our new HOH this week, has already shared on the Feeds that he plans to put up Kaysar and a pawn but Dani has other plans. She told Franzel last night that she thinks the best move would be to split up the duo of Bayleigh and Da’Vonne. They’re all part of the faux alliance, the Slick Six, but that hasn’t stopped Dani from setting her sights on these semi-allies.

If Dani succeeds in her goal, not that I think she particularly could at the moment, then this would be the first time in Big Brother history that four women were sent out to start the season. While all-female alliances are typically a big fail, this is a really strange inverse to watch. It seems Dani thinks the remaining member of BayDay (that can’t be a real thing, right?) would align with her and Franzel but I don’t think that would happen.

A house consisting of eight men and four women seems primed by default to align against Dani and Franzel and reminds me of Britney’s revelation with the Brigade but hey, maybe we shouldn’t ruin the surprise for them.

What do you think of Dani’s new target of splitting up Bayleigh and Da’Vonne? Smart move or bad idea? Can Dani influence Enzo to change up his plans of a Kaysar target? She did manage to keep the guys from entertaining the idea of keeping Janelle, but to completely change the target is a bigger challenge. Let’s see what happens in Week 4 of Big Brother 22.

Update: Again this morning Dani was working on this plan. Flashback to 10:20AM BBT 8/28. Dani went to Tyler and mentioned how comfortable Bayleigh seemed to be with Enzo and how “weird” it is that she’s more comfortable with Enzo’s HOH than she (B) was with Tyler’s.

Side note, the guys are totally on to Dani’s game. Tyler, Cody, and Enzo discussed it the other night and specifically mentioned how she’s “planting seeds,” the same description Dani shared in the DR. Her “clever” game style isn’t quite as clever as she seems to think it may be.



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