With a new Head of Household being crowned last night in the Big Brother 22 house, we have officially made it into week 4! A new HOH means that there will be a new set of noms sometime on Friday and a new target for this week’s eviction. Read on to find out who we could see hit the block this week on Big Brother All-Stars.
After Thursday night’s episode went off the air, Enzo went on to win this week’s Head of Household competition. After the feeds came back up, Enzo had a conversation with Cody about what he was thinking for this week. He started off by telling Cody that he and Tyler were the only ones safe this week and that he wanted to have conversations with the rest of the house.
Enzo told Cody that he was pretty sure that he was going to be nominating Kaysar and a pawn this week. Enzo also talked to Cody about his backup plan if Kaysar should come off the block after the POV competition is played. He told Cody that he would take that as an opportunity to backdoor Ian and get him out of the house. After all, he’s already won this game.
After his conversation with Cody, Enzo talked to Christmas and told her that she also didn’t have anything to worry about this week. She took this opportunity to talk up her new BB Bestie, Kaysar. She tells Enzo what a great guy he is, but tells him that she also understands that most of the house wants him out. She talks about how David is putting unnecessary targets on people and that he has no idea what he is doing in this game. After she leaves the room, Enzo makes a comment about everyone being a bunch of flip-floppers.
Who do you think Enzo should put on the block next to Kaysar? Should he just nominate Kaysar and Ian straight up or is the plan to BD Ian a better idea? Stay tuned for nomination spoilers coming up later!
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