Big Brother 22 Week 4 had some devastating moments for old-school fans. This could easily be a Janelle tribute post, but I will stick to format and also muster up some positive moments from Big Brother All-Stars Week 3. As always, these are my very biased opinions, and don’t mean anything other than that. Please feel free to share your own favorite and least-favorite moments with us in the comments section below.
The Best Moments of Big Brother 22 Week 3
Christmas’ Punishment. Normally I’m humiliated by the Big Brother punishments. They’re a major reason why I don’t admit to watching the show and definitely don’t try to recruit friends to watch. It’s just so embarrassing most of the time. But I actually found myself invested in this punishment, even going as far to texting a friend to ask how many star babies she had at the moment. It was a pretty demanding challenge too. It just lended itself to a lot of humor and was so much more involved than a stupid costume. Good job, BB.
Janelle and Kaysar’s Undying Loyalty. Even on the block together, this legendary duo didn’t waiver on their friendship. Both of them (Janelle more so) still campaigned to stay, but never had a single word to say about the other. It was simply why they should stay. This kind of loyalty is rare in the Big Brother game, and I’m a hugely loyal person, so I just respect their relationship so much.
David’s Rookie Mistake. In another game or another season, I would probably list this in the worst moments, but since it was a flub against the boring majority alliance, I enjoyed it. And honestly, if you’re going to call David possibly running Tyler’s game a rookie mistake, then what do you call Tyler trusting a rookie with secret information in the first place? Could we all be over-rating Tyler’s gameplay? His gameplay points sure take a hit for this mistake.
Janelle’s Speech. Part of me really want Janelle to tear into Nicole and even Dani, but she went out with class and grace, and made Nicole’s claims that Janelle is a monster look even more absurd. Of course Nicole is already saying that Janelle was only nice in her speech because she thought she might be staying, but we all know Janelle. She says what she wants, when she wants. She’s a mother of three and a professional outside the BB house. She wanted to go out in style.
Nicole’s Goodbye Message Flopped. On the Live Feeds Nicole talked about how sassy she was to Janelle in her goodbye message. She even cried about it a few times, wondering if she should re-do it because it was just too mean. And then when we saw it, it was some mumbling about Janelle not wanting to come to the wedding anyway, so you don’t have to. That wasn’t even insulting. And Janelle didn’t even flinch or mention the message after the fact. What a flop.
The Worst Moments of Big Brother 22 Week 3
Tyler Wins HOH. Why can’t we even have a season of power shifts anymore? And before you mention BB2o, save it. Even when we had power shifts, Tyler’s alliance still controlled everything because the other side of the house flopped at every turn. I just want a season where there’s not a big alliance controlled by the bros of the house. It’s so tiresome. And this season, ONLY MEN from that alliance have won anything. So boring.
Tyler Nominates Janelle and Kaysar. I still don’t understand why they are the main targets. Kaysar has never made it to jury and Janelle was out fourth her last season. Why not go after the people who have won the game before! There are actual winners and runners up still in the house! Someone make it make sense!
Cody Wins The Veto. See above. Zzzzzzzz.
Dani. Sometimes it’s a person who makes the list here. It’s not a moment, but it works just the same. Dani has been the most disappointing player for me so far. I’ve always been a Dani fan. I was thrilled she was playing again and made sure I picked her in all my drafts (yes, I do Big Brother drafts, leave me alone!). But from the minute she walked in and started playing with Nicole and Cody, I just knew something wasn’t right. Dani clearly pre-gamed with them and I knew there was no chance of an old-school alliance. Such a letdown. That being said, Dani is playing a solid game, but not solid enough since Tyler and Cody are onto her and don’t trust her very much.
Janelle Goes Home. I knew Janelle was going to get evicted, but there was always that hope that BB would throw in a new twist to save her. People even speculated the Safety Suite would become the Secret Suite, and she would just go live there for a battle back or a public vote. But nope. Julie revealed everything and sent Janelle out into the world. Janelle has already tweeted today even. So Janelle is long gone from BB22.
Now that I’m depressed all over again, I’ll wrap things up. What were your best and worst moments of Big Brother 22 Week 3?