The wheels of Big Brother 22 are turning after a Wall Yeller took down the Feeds for more than three hours last night but interestingly, while the shouting was aimed at Nicole and Cody the heat seems to be turned up on Dani Donato.
Flashback to 2:50 AM BBT 8/31 on cams 3/4 as Cody is talking alone and is soon joined by Tyler. Enzo starts camtalking that he will have to play nice with Franzel and Dani because they know so much about his game but next week a move needs to be made.
Once Tyler gets there Enzo tells him he saw Dani was talking with Christmas then she pops upstairs to start telling him to put David up instead of Christmas after she had already volunteered. Enzo reveals to Tyler that Nicole knows about the Slick Six which Tyler didn’t know yet. Enzo says Dani doesn’t care about their games. He also believes Kaysar that he learned about Tyler and Cody from Dani.
Enzo traces back the cause of Dani turning on Janelle to be after Dani offered her and Kaysar an alliance with Cody, Tyler, and Nicole but Janelle turned it down. He says that’s what set Dani gunning for Janelle.
Tyler agrees they need to do something about Dani and she should be the first to go then Franzel needs to follow. He suggests they should save Bay over Day if Christmas targets them. Tyler believes Bay would then align with them out of gratitude.
Enzo is also worried that if Ian wins then Dani and Franzel will use Ian to get out one of their own. He’s confident that at the moment Dani doesn’t know that they’re on to her and they’ll need to play nice for the time being.
Tyler heads out and we get Enzo camtalking again. He regrets not telling Tyler sooner about the Slick Six being exposed to Franzel by Dani. Enzo reiterates that he wants Dani gone but he isn’t willing to do it himself because he believes it will cause too many waves. He hopes Christmas will do it for them. Pffftt. Weak sauce.
Jump forward to 10:00 AM BBT 8/31 on Cams 3/4 for Cody and Enzo going over all of this as Enzo seems really fired up. Talk of course returns back to Dani what she’s up to in the game.
Enzo and Cody agree that Dani is trying to position herself as the protected member in the back of a handful of alliances. “Her days are numbered,” says Enzo who claims he has the support to get rid of her. Well hey, Enzo, why don’t you do something about it in a few hours at the Veto meeting? Oh, no you mean someone else needs to do it… Sheesh.
Enzo warns that if Dani wins HOH this next round then they’ll need to be “so fake with her.” Cody isn’t worried in the least and says she won’t be winning anything. Enzo suggests his plan is to wait until he knows who has the next HOH then go and warn Da’Vonne that Dani is talking crap about her. Then he plans to do the same with Christmas. Enzo knows better than to try that with Franzel, the other half of that toxic duo, as she won’t turn on Dani.
Well that’s been an interesting few hours in the Big Brother house. We’ve known for days that Enzo, Cody, and Tyler have been watching Dani’s moves. She’s overplayed her hand and it’s going to burn her if she doesn’t make a move first. Given that Enzo is dragging his feet we just might see her get to strike first if she catches wind of their talks. It’d serve Enzo right for passing on this opportunity to get out a threat and instead keep someone who actually does want to work with him. Go figure!
What do you think of the situation for Dani? Can she slip out of the danger zone here or are Dani’s days truly numbered? Who do you think will make the first move?