Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Week 4: Sunday Highlights

Sunday started slowly on the Feeds but soon the Big Brother 22 house was rolling right along. In the afternoon a Wall Yeller (the Big Brother house is on the perimeter of the studio lot so someone with a megaphone can shout messages) revealed news to the house that set off some discussions. It wasn’t until much later in the night that the spotlight turned on another HG whose game methods continue to be exposed and questioned. Busy day!

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, August 30, 2020:

11:40 AM BBT – HGs are finally getting their wakeup call. It’s nearly noon…

12:30 PM BBT – Christmas shares with Ian that she told Enzo he could use her as a pawn if needed. Ian says he’d be worried about doing that. Christmas assures him he’d be safe as a pawn. Ian says the last time he was told he was a pawn he would have lost $500K if not for the Veto. She feels confident that Kaysar will remain the top target for the house and Bayleigh and Da’Vonne wouldn’t go against the house.

12:50 PM BBT – Enzo tells Cody he’s thinking of putting Christmas up as the renom. Cody says that’s a lucky situation for Enzo since she volunteered.

12:55 PM BBT – Cody and Enzo discuss trying to rope Kevin in with them as Enzo feels he’s loyal and available. Enzo says he’ll talk with Kevin then Christmas for his renom and finally Ian to make him feel better. Cody notes that Bay and Day were asking if Kaysar was really the best option right now. Enzo doesn’t want to play games and is pushing for Kaysar to go now.

1:00 PM BBT – Enzo thinks they could pull in Bay if Day were to go. He likes Day but feels her game is too reckless.

1:05 PM BBT – Enzo worries the most about Dani should she decide to flip the vote. Cody says she won’t do that.

2:05 PM BBT – Kevin promises Ian he still has his vote if he should be the renom.

3:00 PM BBT – Ian and Franzel meet up. Franzel thinks David will be the renom. She claims Kaysar has been going around the house throwing out both their names.

3:30 PM BBT – Christmas tells Tyler that Dani and Franzel told her they’d throw the HOH to her. He warns they’d only do that so she’d do their dirty work for them. He warns her not to trust Dani.

4:35 PM BBT – HGs have the backyard again. There is much cheering.

5:50 PM BBT – Christmas tells Enzo she’s okay with being the pawn and is doing her part by volunteering.

6:35 PM BBT – Wall Yeller is clearly shouting “Nicole and Cody are playing everyone.” Christmas, Memphis, Kaysar, Cody, Ian, and Tyler were all outside. Feeds cut.

10:25 PM BBT – Feeds are back.

10:30 PM BBT – Christmas asks Day what she thinks about Franzel. Day mentions they’re friendly but Franzel talked poorly of her during their season together though she’s since apologized. They agree they didn’t realize that she was close to Cody. Day mentions she doesn’t want Kaysar to go nor does Bay or Kevin. Christmas says it’ll depend on who’s up against him. Day says they can’t play this game afraid of the House. Christmas encourages Day to go talk with Enzo.

10:30 PM BBT – Cody talking with Dani and both agree that Day is the glue that’s holding several little groups together. Dani says she’s more worried about Bay’s impact and abilities in the game. Cody says he feels confident with Memphis and Christmas and would like to work with Bay and Day but doubts they trust him.

10:35 PM BBT – Day tells Christmas that if they keep Kaysar it’s another big guy target in front of them.

10:50 PM BBT – Ian and Kaysar discuss renom possibilities. Kaysar says he only has a chance against David. He wonders if Enzo is on the perimeter of the main group or deep in it. Kaysar says he only has a chance if Enzo isn’t in the thick of that group.

11:00 PM BBT – Kaysar is working on Enzo telling him he’s got no one and would work with him if he was given the chance to stay. Kaysar tells him that Cody and Tyler want him (K) out. He reminds Enzo that he still has the power as HOH with this renom. Enzo says the house wants Kaysar gone.

11:05 PM BBT – Kaysar tells Enzo he can still keep his hands clean by putting up David since he’s upset so many people. Then it’ll be up to Kaysar to make the votes happen. Enzo won’t commit and says he has a good relationship with David but that this is nothing personal with Kaysar.

11:10 PM BBT – Enzo and Kaysar discuss the preseason alliances. Kaysar says that group of Cody, Tyler, Nicole, and Dani are all together and probably Ian and him (E) too just to give them the numbers they need. Kaysar pleads again that if anyone but David goes up then he’s gone.

11:20 PM BBT – Christmas tells Enzo he may get a pitch from Day to group up with her, Christmas, Memphis, Bay, David, Kevin, and Kaysar, if Kaysar stays. Christmas says she doesn’t care what Enzo decides but she wanted to tell him. She’s worried about the collection of Dani, Nicole, Cody, and Ian. Enzo says people are noticing that now after what happened today (Wall Yeller).

11:30 PM BBT – Enzo meets with Bay and Day. Enzo relays Kaysar’s claim that Dani, Tyler, Cody, and Nicole are running the show. Bay suspects Dani is up to something and Cody is very close to her though they tried to hide it. Enzo reveals he thinks Dani is running everything, though he really likes her. Bay points out that starting next week that group won’t need all the extra votes anymore and can start taking them out.

11:35 PM BBT – Bay says they could get out one of the numbers for that group. Enzo says it’s crazy and too soon. He doesn’t see any way for Kaysar to stay but the women disagree.

11:36 PM BBT – Day points out that their Slick Six can’t work if that group of four has another Six of their own. Bay points out how Dani offered Kaysar and Janelle an alliance with her, Tyler, and Nicole, who has Ian, and then they likely got Cody too. Enzo doesn’t think Cody would play like that with the other side and says he’s just being social.

11:45 PM BBT – Enzo shares that Ian was upset by what they heard in the backyard.

12:00 AM BBT – Tyler briefly joins the HOH group and tells Bay he wants Kaysar gone because he thinks Kaysar would put him and Cody up together. Day says it’s unlikely Kaysar would win something. Tyler asks why take the risk and not just get him out now. Bay agrees.

12:10 AM BBT – Enzo says Christmas volunteered and she’s going up. Enzo says this idea of targeting Dani is serious and they can’t tell Cody or anyone. Enzo says if it’s a DE next then she goes. He’s worried about Dani and how she sprinkles her ideas all over the house. They are concerned with Franzel being in Dani’s pocket.

12:15 AM BBT – Day points out Ian has items in every room so he has an excuse to be dropping in.

2:00 AM BBT – Enzo and Christmas discuss Kaysar and how hard he’s trying. They believe he’s overthinking his potential. Enzo wants to find out everything Kaysar knows before he goes.

2:15 AM BBT – Dani joins them in the HOH room and they change topics.

3:00 AM BBT – Tyler is upstairs talking alone with Dani. They’re sharing notes on what Dani is doing “all over the place.” They discuss how Dani keeps telling everyone how Bayleigh and Da’Vonne are “too comfortable.” They’re on to her games. Enzo says they still get rid of Kaysar this week then plan for getting rid of Dani next. He’s worried this will get out and she comes for them first though. Tyler worries Bay might flip to Dani but Enzo is confident that Bay would be with them to get Dani out.

3:05 AM BBT – Enzo mentions how Dani came to tell him something then she went downstairs and must have told Christmas the same “seed” because Christmas came right up and told him the same thing again after Dani was saying “the house” was saying it. “We can’t trust her. It’s too much,” says Enzo about Dani.

So let me get this straight. Kaysar is an isolated, ineffective threat without any support, and Dani is a well connected, manipulative HG but hey, let’s go get Kaysar and worry about this “can’t be trusted” and duplicitous Dani some other week. Bunch of All-Star wannabes…

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