Big Brother 22: Best And Worst Moments Of Week 2

Big Brother 22 Week 2 is in the books. The second All-Star walked out the door this week and we saw the third HOH of the season get crowned. So before we get into full swing with Week 3, let’s take a look back at what I think are the best and worst moments of Week 2. As always, these are my opinions. Feel free to share yours with us!

The Best Moments of Big Brother 22 Week 2

Segment on Race. It was really nice for CBS to include the conversation Da’Vonne, Bayleigh and Kevin had. It is important for people to see those conversations, especially now and especially after Seasons 15 and 21. Da’Vonne is known for her funny and cutting Diary Rooms, so it was extra nice to see her in a tender moment.

Memphis Spares Janelle and Kaysar. I couldn’t be happier that we didn’t lose another old-school player this week. I was afraid after Keesha was evicted, it would be one old-school after another. So I’m glad Memphis realized going after them was not going to benefit is game.

Christmas Saves Ian. I loved that Christmas had no idea Ian was on Memphis’ radar when she saved him with her Safety Suite win. I don’t know if Ian would have actually been in trouble, but I’m glad Christmas not even knowing what her own alliance wanted helped keep Ian safe this week.

Janelle and Kaysar Fight for Nicole A. She might not have realized what was going on in the house, but Nicole A was lucky to have two legendary BB players in her corner. Anyone who’s ever watched them play knows they’re a couple of the most loyal to ever enter the BB house. So it was nice to see that kind of old-school thinking in this new-school show.

Memphis’s Safety Suite Strategy. Say what you will about Memphis’ first-ever HOH range, but him getting everyone not in his alliance to use their Safety Suite pass was pretty smart. And after he pissed off Tyler all week, Memphis need that safety this week.

The Worst Moments of Big Brother 22

Memphis Wins HOH. It’s nice Memphis won his first-ever HOH, but no one wants to see one alliance steamroll the game. But that’s what happens when you get 6-8 people in a big group. And it happens so often these days. Ever since BB16, we’ve had to deal with this steamroll storyline. And it just ends up terribly boring. And as we saw on Thursday night’s episode, the third HOH is also from that alliance. HOW BORING.

Mob Mentality is Back. I wish I knew what it was about modern Big Brother where there’s always a big alliance ganging up on one or two people. It is really hard to watch. Not only is it not entertaining, it’s kind of disgusting. No one deserves to be ganged up on and shunned. And this week, we see it playing out again like it’s Big Brother 18. Here are two excerpts from this past week’s Live Feeds highlights for example

6:52 PM BBT – Cody tells Christmas if HOH is a knockout comp they have to make sure they all pick Janelle and Kaysar to go up in the HOH competition until they’re out.

7:03 PM BBT – Cody says he’s going to be a have-not because Kaysar is going to pick him. Christmas says Janelle wants Kaysar to pick her so Nicole F can’t. Christmas says they need to make sure Nicole F goes first so she can pick Janelle before Kaysar can (yes, this was a real conversation).

It’s no surprise that this is coming from the younger people alliance. I think that is the problem. These players are just too young and immature and don’t know how to treat other humans. Sportsmanship doesn’t seem to be much of a thing these days.

Nicole A Trashes Her Only True Allies. As Julie let Nicole A know during her eviction interview, Janelle and Kaysar were actually on her side. It was so painful to watch two great players fight for someone who was sh*tting on them all week. I’m glad she knows now. I just hope she handles it well, especially when social media comes after her.

No One Wants to Work With Janelle And Kaysar. This one is kind of a mixture of all the other bad moments. But I just really want to stress how upsetting it is to fans. I just don’t get why they’re looked at as such threats. Neither have ever won. Kaysar hasn’t even made jury before. So why not keep them around as shields at the very least. Weaponize them. Large alliances are so lame. They work, but they’re so boring! At the very least, let them in your alliance! Give the fans some fun!

What do you think are the best and worst moments of Big Brother 22 Week 2?



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