Tensions were already running high in the Big Brother 22 house Thursday night following the new Head of Household competition. Kaysar and Janelle see the writing on the wall, and things between Nicole and Janelle seem to be about to come to a head.
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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, August 20, 2020:
9:04 PM BBT – Feeds return after a lengthy delay following the eviction show.
9:13 PM BBT – Janelle and Kevin are talking about the beef between Janelle and Nicole F. Something happened while feeds were down. Kevin says he’s confused why the two of them have beef. Janelle said it comes from The Amazing Race where Nicole backstabbed her friend.
9:18 PM BBT – Janelle says she just doesn’t trust Nicole and how she whines and cries over everything as strategy. Da’Vonne says she’s been there done that with Nicole. Janelle says it sucks that the alliance already has enough votes to control this eviction. Da’Vonne tells Janelle this is where she shines. Janelle says she just wants to play in veto and she will be really angry if they put Bayleigh up with the plan to backdoor Janelle.
9:25 PM BBT – Kevin asks Janelle to have an honest moment with her. He says Nicole A would tell him what they were saying about him and it wasn’t cute. Janelle said she was upset with him because he was going around telling everyone that she and Kaysar were with Memphis and they need to be targeted.
9:32 PM BBT – Janelle tells Kevin she didn’t trust him when he was dragging her name around, but she trusts him now. She says they need each other.
9:37 PM BBT – Ian, Cody, Nicole and Dani form an alliance. Ian calls it the Four Prime. He says they can extend it to five or six if they need to. He says they could work Tyler into it.
9:40 PM BBT – Janelle tells Kevin that who ever stays this week between her and Kaysar he will have to work with them. Janelle says he can stay away from her if he doesn’t want a target on his back for that. Kevin tells Janelle that if it comes down to her and Kaysar she has his vote. She thanks him but says it won’t even matter because they all have the numbers to control the vote.
9:45 PM BBT – Ian has joined the gang up on Janelle club. He’s telling Dani, Cody and Nicole that Janelle thinks he’s willing to work with her but he’s not. He says everything she touches turns to sh*t.
9:52 PM BBT – Janelle tells Kevin that Memphis is so weird and he has very little game sense. She says he doesn’t know what he’s doing and thinks that big alliance doesn’t exist. Kevin says maybe Memphis has something with them. Janelle says she doesn’t think Memphis wants a group and wonders why Cody played in the Safety Suite if he’s with Memphis. Kevin says probably to cover up that they have a thing. Janelle says Cody and Tyler both thought they were going to be backdoor because they don’t trust Memphis.
10:10 PM BBT -Janelle and Kevin wonder why Christmas is no longer feeling open to them. Janelle says Christmas might be in that alliance.
10:16 PM BBT – Janelle says she has Nicole Franzel, the biggest wimp in the house talking about her. She says “I will f-ing destroy her.” Janelle says she will go off on Nicole soon.
10:20 PM BBT – Janelle says she can’t break Nicole down though because she will be the victim and that’s the role Nicole wants to play, the victim.
10:45 PM BBT – Tyler asks Kevin if he voted for Nicole to stay. He says yes, he couldn’t do her dirty like that. Kevin says Janelle and Kaysar really did her dirty. Tyler said he’s going to take care of them.
10:47 PM BBT – Tyler is going through his HOH treats in the kitchen. For some reason, there wasn’t a regular HOH room reveal shown on the Live Feeds.
10:48 PM BBT – Nicole and Dani talk about being happy for Tyler winning HOH. Dani says he’s good at this game so he can’t stay super long. They agree if Tyler stays too long they don’t stand a chance.
11:15 PM BBT – Tyler talks with Franzel about nom plans. He says he’s sticking to the plan (Janelle and Kaysar) She pushes that Janelle is the one who needs to go because if there’s an America Votes twist then Janelle will get it. Franzel warns him that Janelle and Kaysar will make up lies to him about her.
11:40 PM BBT – Christmas is visiting Tyler and she also pushes to get out Janelle. Tyler says he can use Kevin as a pawn if either of his noms gets Veto. Christmas and Tyler name their pairing “The Carolinas.” Cody joins and Tyler confirms his noms plans for Janelle and Kaysar. Cody says Ian told him earlier that Janelle wanted to nominate Tyler and Cody. They discuss and agree Janelle is more dangerous than Kaysar because of her comp skills.
12:15 AM BBT – Dani tells Tyler that Day could be coming after them soon.
12:30 AM BBT – Tyler talks with Ian and has the same conversation again, that he’s going to nom Janelle and Kaysar. Ian tells Tyler that Janelle and Kaysar say he (T) is a pair with Cody.
12:50 AM BBT – David and Enzo go next to the HOH room. They discuss what should be done if they win Safety Suite and don’t want Enzo to suggest there is a guys alliance.
12:55 AM BBT – Bayleigh comes up to talk with Tyler. He says they have to keep their pairing down low.
2:00 AM BBT – HGs are hanging out and chatting as the night winds down.
2:30 AM BBT – Lights out as HGs go to sleep.
Well, we’ve still got the Veto on Saturday but even that can only save one of Janelle and Kaysar as the house lines up against them. Do you think this week will end any other way? Safety Suite is coming up Friday with Noms that evening. Stick around and we’ll have the spoilers for you.
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