Big Brother 22 All-Stars Twist: How the Safety Suite Could Work

During the Big Brother 22 All-Stars season premiere, Julie told us about a twist called the Safety Suite. Julie told the Big Brother 22 HGs that throughout the season new rooms will be revealed to them and each room will twist up the game like never before. The first room will be the Safety Suite. They will each be given a VIP pass to the Safety Suite, but she doesn’t explain how the twist will work other than only two HGs will benefit from it.

If we go by twists from other seasons, this could work in one of two ways. If we assume that the Safety Suite will give two HGs safety for the week as the name implies, it still leaves the question of will Cody know before Noms or will it be kept a secret from him? Typically a twist is revealed before, so we will go based on that assumption.


The feeds went down for about a half-hour this afternoon. The HGs all get a VIP Pass and they can decide to play in a comp. If the HG decides to play, they can pick a “plus one.” If they win the comp, they and their plus one will get safety, but if they lose, they may get a punishment for the week. The HGs are worried that if they decide to play they might put a target on their back. David confirmed that Cody will know who wins and which two HGs will be safe prior to the Noms.

This week the competition took about 3h40m and hopefully that’s just because it was the first round and the HGs needed a lot of explanation, especially since it sounds like only two of them played in Week 1! Either way, it seems the VIP Pass is only good for one use so both the Week 1 players can’t try again in this twist.

We also now know the winner and his/her “Plus 1” selection are openly known to the HGs and HOH, so no more mystery there on whether or not the HOH would be daring to nom someone who was protected and then have to make another pick. That would have been fun, but this is more straight forward, well at least for a twist.

If the Safety Suite Winners are Revealed:

If the winners of this twist are revealed, this could change who Cody nominates this week. As of right now, there really isn’t a plan in place, but who knows what could come up between now and the reveal of this twist. Cody will most likely start talking to HGs one on one today and form some kind of opinion as to what he should do, but if one or both of those HGs should win safety of some kind, he will have to change his plan with short notice.

If the Safety Suite Winners are Not Revealed:

What happens if the beneficiaries of this twist are not revealed? This could make for juicy television for sure. If the beneficiaries of this twist are kept secret and Cody nominates one or both of them, it will most definitely put a huge target on his back going into next week if that person is his intended target. That’s assuming that this is just a power that is given to two HGs.

What happens if this is a power that allows them to try to earn their way back into the house if evicted on Thursday? Like a comp or puzzle of some kind? If the person evicted is able to earn their way back in, it will complicate Cody’s game even more. Definitely not a week I would have fought to win the HOH, that’s for sure. Doesn’t he know that there is always some kind of twist night one?

What are you hoping to see come out of this twist? Do you have any HGs you hope to get to reap the benefits of the Safety Suite? Stay tuned for more details as the day goes on!

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