Big Brother 21: The Best And Worst Of Week 1

We are finally in Big Brother 21 Week 2 after that always-long and drawn-out first week. So let’s take a look back at the best and worst moments of the first week of the season.

Since I already covered the best and worst moments of the premiere episodes, we’ll start after that.

The Best Moments of Big Brother 21 Week 1

The Whacktivity Comp. I might hate the silly name of the competition, but I like the concept of it. I like that the HGs have to compete for a secret power instead of giving America the vote. Usually fans think those things are rigged, so you can’t say that about an actual comp deciding who gets the power. And I liked the competition itself. It was pretty hilarious watching Kat have to smell coyote pee. I was also pretty happy Ovi won the power, but we all know how that plays out (see below).

Kemi And Bella Diary Rooms. I love a good Diary Room queen and this season we have two of them. Kemi and Bella are both hilarious in the Diary Room. Both come of kind of cutting and I just love that. They might never reach Danielle Reyes or Britney Haynes status, but it’ll be fun watching them try.

Camp Comeback. I know a lot of people think this twist could make the game boring by people not wanting to turn on alliances or whatever, but calm down. It’s only a four-week twist. What I like most about it is people who go home so early in the game get to still experience the game and we still get to experience them. I love that part of it. And if you don’t have the Live Feeds, then you might not know that David is really making a lot of people squirm for being back in the house. It’s awesome that the evicted players have that power. I’m not sure exactly why David is margin them squirm, but my point is, you can get evicted and still cause havoc in the game. Here’s to hoping the next evictee takes advantage of that.

The Worst Moments of Big Brother 21 Week 2

The New Outro Music. I know this is a silly thing to complain about, but I can’t stand that new post-noms/post veto meeting outro music. Us Big Brother fans don’t care for change (key wheel anyone?) so that new music is just jarring.

The Bad Energy. If you only watch the episodes on CBS you might not be picking up on this. But if you are a Live Feeds watcher then you probably know that this cast has already gotten pretty nasty. Jack has said he wants to “Stomp a mudhole” in Kemi’s chest and Jackson wants to “donkey kick” out David’s teeth. Jack says he was just quoting Sam from last season, but if you listen to the conversation, he doesn’t mention Sam at all and the fact that he spent the entire week trashing Kemi doesn’t help his case. I love a good divided house and some fun drama, but this cast is just mean on a personal level. I miss the days of seasons like Big Brother 6 when they got nasty with each other over the game. These days it’s always way too personal and that’s just sad.

The Shout Outs. This cast is out of control with the shoutouts after they vote to evict. And even worse were those rehearsed DR hallway meet ups. They are supposed to be hurrying to vote since it’s live TV and they’re busy trying to do the freaking samba as they’re crossing paths in that tiny hallway. It was just really annoying.

Ovi Evicted With The Power. I really liked the power Ovi won and am really bummed he was evicted with it. I wanted to see him wake up the house in the middle of the night to force the HOH to make new nominations. Of course he would have probably just used it to help Jack and we don’t want that.

What do you think the best and worst moments of the week were?





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