We’ve got your Big Brother Spoilers for this week’s Big Brother 21 Power of Veto comp with the Feeds back and the results in hand. It was the return of BB Comics in the house and everyone was playing with just five HGs left in the game.
Adding to the tension we had a surprising revelation just before the comp when Tommy revealed to Holly and Jackson that he and Christie had a longstanding personal relationship from before the game. Wow, well now that they know he has a sure thing vote in the Jury I’m sure they’ll want to keep him longer than before, right? Wait, what? I’m thinking Tommy is right back to needing this win or he’ll be gone on Thursday.
Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Week 11 Veto Competition Results:
- Nicole won the Power of Veto!
Wow! Good for Nicole with her second win of the season and this is when you need to start winning comps when you haven’t all season, right? So now here’s an interesting scenario… Nicole saves Cliff and that leaves just one option for Jackson to nominate. Yep, it’s Holly. In that case, we’ll have two votes from Cliff and Nicole. And wait! Yes, Nicole just confirmed that she’s going to save Cliff with the Power of Veto. She told him she can’t chance it with her #1. That does mean Holly will be forced to the Block by Jackson.
Do you think Cliff and Nicole would vote out Holly? It’d break up the final showmance and true couple in the game. It could burn their Jury votes from Jackson and Holly but then at least you wouldn’t have to worry about knowing someone definitely would be taking someone else. Hmm. What do you think?
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