It was nomination day in the Big Brother 21 house as the HOH and The Prankster set their nominations and the others spent much of the day speculating on how has the power. The veto was also a big topic as everyone would like to win it so they can’t be the Prankster’s replacement nominee. Read on to find out who the nominees are what they think of being on the block during Prank Week.
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Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 23, 2019:
3:25 PM BBT – Holly tells Jackson that she wants to put some of the blame on Christie when she nominates Nick. She says she wants him to know it was what she heard before the HOH (Nick saying Christie said she’d throw it to him and Christie saying Nick said he would throw it to her). Jackson says he kind of wants to go tell Nick that Christie is saying Nick approached her but Nick is saying she approached him.
3:41 PM BBT – Holly tells Christie that Nick said Christie approached him and said she would throw the HOH to him. Christie says he’s a liar and to bring him up to the HOH right now. Christie says there is going to be a major blowup.
3:44 PM BBT – Christie explains what she and Nick talked about and how Nick was dogging her for making a deal with Jackson, who is her “mortal enemy.” Christie says then when they were on their way out to do the HOH Nick was trying to make a deal with her, but she said she knew he was baiting her.
3:51 PM BBT – Christie is afraid that Nick has the Prankster power and will put her up. Jackson says he thinks Nick might actually take this chance to nominate himself (Jackson).
3:54 PM BBT – Before they call Nick to the HOH room Christie says she wants it to be peaceful. She says she doesn’t want to scream.
3:56 PM BBT – Nick enters. Christie tells him that she’s really upset and asks if he told Holly and Jackson that she said she would throw the HOH to him. He says he never said the word throw. Holly says it was definitely the word throw. Christie tells Nick that whatever he was trying to get from her before HOH she wasn’t buying it. She said she did not believe him when he told her he wouldn’t put her up.
4:00 PM BBT – Nick makes excuses to Christie, Holly, and Jackson about what he was trying to achieve before HOH. This keeps going but is a more calm discussion that Taco Tuesday. Nick tells Christie that he was serious about not wanting her out and said he wanted to target Jessica.
4:10 PM BBT- Holly asks Nick about coming after her. He said he wasn’t coming after her but she might have had to go up next to Jessica. He says it’s fine, put him up. He says he already knew he was going up even before he came up to the HOH room.
4:17 PM BBT – Nick tells Christie that when she said they were good he misinterpreted what she was getting at. She says she just meant there were no hard feelings.
4:22 PM BBT – Nick tells Nicole that Christie lies her way out of everything.
4:25 PM BBT – Feeds have cut for the nomination ceremony.
5:34 PM BBT – Feeds return. Nominations are on the screen. Holly nominated Nick, and the Prankster (that would be Nick, according to his earlier cam talking) nominated Christie.
5:38 PM BBT – Nick says Tommy told him before he’d vote Christie out over him and with Cliff and Nicole, Nick would be safe up against Christie.
5:39 PM BBT – Jackson tells Holly that he knows Nicole is the Prankster. He says no one else would’ve nominated Christie. He says Nicole has a bad poker face and he could just tell it was her after the nomination ceremony.
5:48 PM BBT – Tommy tells Holly that if he plays and wins veto he will consult with her on what to do with it. Holly tells him already that he would love it if nominations could stay the same.
6:01 PM BBT – Cliff tells Holly and Jackson that he thinks Nick is the Prankster based on the Christie nomination. Jackson says he feels like Nicole is the Prankster. Cliff says he never asked Nicole if she was or wasn’t. Jackson says he hopes it’s Nicole and glad she got to make a move.
6:20 PM BBT – Nicole and Tommy talk about this being prank week and wondering if there could possibly be a non-eviction this week. Nicole says if no one goes home then they could have a double eviction. Tommy says that makes a lot of sense.
6:30 PM BBT – Nick talks to Nicole about the veto. She says if she won veto she would like to use it on him even though she knows a lot of people would be mad at her.
6:45 PM BBT- Nicole and Nick discuss voting scenarios. Nicole tells Nick she thinks Nick could stay over Tommy because people could see it as the only shot to get Tommy out. Nick then says he should be able to get votes over Jackson because he’d have Tommy, Nicole, and Cliff.
6:50 PM BBT – Nick asks Nicole again if she’d use the veto on him. She says yes because she needs him in the game.
7:30 PM BBT – HGs hanging out., chit-chatting. Nothing much going on.
7:38 PM BBT – Nicole, Cliff, and Jessica let Holly, Tommy, Jackson, and Christie experience the pie punishment. They all take a pie to the face.
8:15 PM BBT – No one is talking about anything. Christie and Tommy are playing backgammon.
9:16 PM BBT – Tommy and Jackson agree that they believe Cliff when he says it wasn’t him. Christie thinks it’s Nick. But then when Jackson says maybe it was Nicole, Christie says her first instinct was that it was Nicole because she came out of the DR kind of emotional and said she got emotional over the new, smaller table.
9:19 PM BBT – Tommy says he wants to play Veto so that he can at least have a fighting chance this week because he thinks he’ll go up if Christie comes down.
10:00 PM BBT – Slow evening as HGs lounge around and some are even preparing for bed already.
10:25 PM BBT – Tommy worries to Nick about them being up on the Block together after the Veto.
10:40 PM BBT – Nick tells Tommy it was the conversation with Christie in the HOH room that solidified him going on the Block this week. Nick still insists that he wouldn’t have
10:55 PM BBT – Tommy continues to stress being in danger this week. Nick assures Tommy he’s good this week.
11:30 PM BBT – Prank Week punishments again. They’re pie’ing themselves.
11:50 PM BBT – Holly worries about getting too comfortable in their position after two weeks of this. Jackson is confident he’d be targeted before her. Looking back they’re glad with how they handled Day 44 and staying low after that.
12:20 AM BBT – Jackson and Holly plan hiding spots in case it’s the Hide & Seek Veto.
1:25 AM BBT – Jess finally got her delayed facepie. Cliff and Christie come back to wait with her.
1:30 AM BBT – Everyone back to bed.
Veto is coming up and the Noms are set without much fanfare regarding the Prankster’s pick considering these were Holly’s planned Noms as well. Now the real trouble comes if Christie escapes the Block and Nick gets to set a new Nom to be up against him. It’s a powerful position for this week’s target!
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