Big Brother 21 Houseguests Are Moving In!

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 20

It’s time for the Houseguests to escape sequester and enter the Big Brother 21 house. Game on!

Spotted by @BBUS2019 is the news that an audience will gather not once, but twice on Wednesday to cheer on the cast of a “strangers living together show” which is hilariously vague and rather accurate at the same time. Of course, they’re not all strangers, are they? I’m looking at you, hangout buddies Tommy and Christie! It could get really interesting if they’re not the only ones…

The first event is around 7:30 AM with audience members gathering for “3-4 hours” which should be for the Houseguests move-in event. We won’t get to see that until next week’s season premiere on Tuesday, June 25th. During that show, I’d expect we’ll get another split waves of Group 1 and Group 2 entering the house and we’ll see then how that’s handled this year. Will everyone go in on the first episode or will it be split up for the two-night event? Dunno, but there is a second “event” in need of an audience later the same day at 4:30 PM.


MOVE-IN TOMORROW 7:30am PT/ 10:30am ET!!! There will be a 2nd taping (probably for episode 2) at 4:30pm PT/ 7:30pm ET
Here are the ads for the paid audience to attend:#BB21

— BB21 (@BBUS2019) June 18, 2019

It’s likely the second event is the second episode and that’d make a lot of sense for them to film both and knock it out for the two-night premiere the next week. Some fans end up confused that the premiere night’s events are already a week old since it’s typically presented as another live episode, but you’ll know better! We won’t get the first live show until Wed, July 3rd, per the Big Brother 21 schedule.

Last year the audience was escorted out before the HOH competition kicked off to avoid spoilers but the second event’s crowd would know who won based on events in the second episode so we’ll have to see what’s happening. Might not know much more before the episodes air but at least we know it’s happening and if anything gets leaked then we’ll be on it.

While we wait for all that, watch for the house reveal and twist details coming up very soon. We’ll have all that to share as soon as it’s released so keep checking back!

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