Big Brother 21 Cast First Impressions

The Big Brother 21 cast was announced today and we’ve had time to read the bios and watch the interviews, so now it’s time for my annual houseguests first impressions. As a whole, the 16 new players seem to be an emotional bunch who really, really love their dogs. And that’s OK, because I really love my dogs also. So I’m already relating to this cast more than season’s past.

So let’s get to these first impressions!

Tommy Bracco on Big Brother

Tommy Bracco

Tommy Bracco is a high-energy Broadway dancer who would rather win the game and be hated by America. He gave the right answer. Now let’s see if he can make it happen. I really like Tommy’s energy and I’m really looking forward to seeing how he plays the game (which he says hopes to be like BB14 winner Ian). If I was asked to pick a favorite player right now, it might actually be him. But let’s not go there. Every time I do that, I end up hating the player within three weeks.

Most likely to: Be told to “Please Stop Singing” 1,000 times

Isabella Wang on Big Brother

Isabella Wang

Isabella Wang loves Big Brother and she has dedicated her life to helping the homeless. She’s already after our hearts! She seems to be really in tune with the game and seems like someone who will be able to adjust to any twists and turns. I think she’s going to be really fun to watch and I hope she gets far in the game.

Most likely to: Win Big Brother 21 (I’m just going to be bold!)

Nick Maccarone on Big Brother 21

Nick Maccarone

Much like Isabella, Nick Maccarone really seems to care about people. He’s a therapist who claims to be a straight shooter. So despite caring about people, he says he will put people in their place if they need it. So he could be a bit too blunt. But Big Brother fans like that even if it’s not great for his game. I like Nick, but I’m ready for his hair to grow out – what is that bowl cut?

Most likely to: Win America’s Favorite Player

Jack Matthews on Big Brother

Jack Matthews

Yes, he looks like Aquaman. But what stands out to me is that he’s kind of an enigma. Jack Matthews’ bio was really short and he came off as really not smart. But then in his interview, he was well-spoken. He also seems to sell himself short as he said he’s a very average guy who is average at a lot of things but not great at anything.

Most likely to: Ask “Who flipped?”

Christie Murphy on Big Brother

Christie Murphy

Well, she was already crying when the interview started, so we could be in for a treat with her. I love that Christie Murphy calls herself a Big Brother nerd and has been watching since season 8. I’m hoping that with her sage-burning and gratitude circle ways she will be fun to watch. That is if she doesn’t cry the whole time.

Most likely to: Get a visit from a  loved one reincarnated as a bird.

Kemi Faknule on Big Brother

Kemi Faknule

I know it’s like saying I love Christmas or puppies (because who doesn’t) but I love Kemi! All of her answers were on point and she is after one thing and one thing only and that’s to win Big Brother 21. And she had one of the best quotes of the day when she told Jeff “I want to leave in a different tax bracket.” The biggest problem Kemi Faknule might have in the game is she says she doesn’t do well with emotional people and this cast seems to be quite emotional. Here’s to hoping she can look past all the tears.

Most likely to: Be the Diary Room queen.

Ovi Kabir on Big Brother

Ovi Kabir

Ovi Kabir is another Big Brother fan. He has been watching since high school but doesn’t want people to notice. He plans to build an alliance but not lead it. He really wants others to make the moves while he lays low. That’s a good strategy if you can get it to work. He does seem to have a big heart and might be a bit too nice for Big Brother. But we’ll see.

Most likely to: Wear a punishment costume.

David Alexander on Big Brother

David Alexander

David Alexander says he’s a “recent” Big Brother fan, which means recruit. But that’s OK because he has a solid game plan. He wants to make everyone his friend and slide through to the middle before he turns it up. He does worry that this honesty will be his downfall because it’s hard for him to lie.

Most likely to: Spoil a perfectly good blindside.

Jackson Michie on Big Brother 20

Jackson Michie

Jackson Michie is the typical alpha male casting archetype. There’s nothing new or particularly interesting about him. He could be swapped out with any of the guys who came before him. I actually found him to be even more boring than those who came before him.

Most likely to: Win the first HOH and be in a broliance and showmance when the Live Feeds start.

Kathryn Dunn on Big Brother

Kathryn Dunn

Kathryn Dunn spent most of her interview talking about how good of a person she is and how her mom told her she could be nice and still win. So that really makes me think we are going to get the opposite from her. I feel like she’s going to be cut-throat and ruthless and get caught up in the game.

Most likely to: Make it on TMZ

Jessica Milagros on Big Brother

Jessica Milagros

We have another Big Brother fan! And she’s really a lot of fun. Jessica Milagros is very outgoing and funny, but says she wants to try to lay low. Good luck with that! She seems to be one of the most authentic players this season, so I really hope she can play the game well enough to stick around a while.

Most likely to: Butt heads with the Alpha male.

Holly Allen on Big Brother

Holly Allen

Holly Allen is a pageant girl who claims to be a BB fan, but most of her interview seemed really pageant-y and inauthentic. I don’t know exactly what to expect from her because she was definitely playing for the cameras and the judges (which in this case is all of us). To me, she’s just more showmance bait.

Most likely to: Be in a showmance by the time the Live Feeds start

Analyse Talavera on Big Brother

Analyse Talavera

We can add Analyse Talavera to the list of Big Brother fans playing this season. She says she’s been watching since she was 10. I like that. She also thinks it will be really easy for her to lie. All those things tied with her athleticism could get her really far in the game. Unless she overplays like super fans tend to play …

Most likely to: Overplay the game too quickly

Sam Smith on Big Brother

Sam Smith

So Sam Smith is a truck driver. And a dad. He’s also very, very loud and energetic. And he’s also among the several HGs who have already cried in their hotel rooms during sequester. I’m not sure what to make of Sam. He doesn’t really fit any archetypes we’re used to. This might be a new one.

Most likely to: SHOUT in the diary room.

Nicole Anthony on Big Brother

Nicole Anthony

Nicole Anthony claims to also be a huge Big Brother fan. She’s the token nerdy girl, which is a pretty new archetype. She sounds very driven and ready to play, but she comes off almost as an over-achiever and that could be her downfall. She also says she won’t tolerate bullying and will be very outspoken about it if she sees it happening.

Most likely to: Lock herself in her HOH room.

Cliff Hogg on Big Brother

Cliff Hogg

Cliff is the token “old guy.” At least this season that role goes to someone older than 33. Cliff seems to be pretty laid back and friendly and has a lot of stories to tell. So he’ll either really annoy the HGs or they’ll love him and his stories. I’m guessing from recent trends, he won’t get to tell many stories.

Most likely to: Be the first boot.

What were first impressions of the Big Brother 21 cast?

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