Last night on the Big Brother 20 Feeds a new alliance continued to take shape as the house is well divided and ready to face off over Thursday night’s looming eviction. Meet the “Level Six” alliance, cause there are six of them, see? It’s going to get awkward if anyone else wants to join.
Right now we’ve got Brett, Winston, Rachel, Kaycee, Angela, and Tyler coming together for this new group and they’ve got a plan to save Sam and get Steve evicted this week.
Flashback to 11:42 PM BBT 6/29 on your Live Feeds (get the Free Trial) to watch along.
Talk starts with Tyler explaining he has already warned Faysal, this week’s Veto winner, that if he uses the Veto then Bayleigh goes up as the renom. Faysal isn’t going to let his alliance with Chris be in jeopardy with that move. Swaggy gets what Swaggy wants.
Brett reported back that Steve openly admitted having made a deal with Faysal to pick him with HG choice in exchange for a promise of safety, presumably by using the Veto on him. The group was glad to hear they had an easy out on something to point out and explain voting against Steve.
Brett also noted Scottie acted surprised to hear about Steve’s deal with Faysal, so the group hopes they could use that to sway Scottie over to their side as well. Winston asks if they should go grab Scottie right now and try to draw him in. No one else likes that idea though and it’s shot down.
Gallery: Level Six Alliance
Rachel suggests another plan could be to get Tyler working on Haleigh to toss Sam a sympathy vote while the rest of them actually do vote to keep Sam then they’d have the numbers and send Steve home by one count. Seems like a long shot though to hinge everything on a sympathy vote. Good thing for Sam then she won’t have to rely on that.
Sam earlier revealed to Tyler, and only Tyler so far, that yes, she has this week’s Power App and it’ll let her save anyone in the next four weeks after the eviction vote is revealed. That’s huge. She could save herself this week with it, but you know she’d rather keep that in her pocket and get a solid vote of safety instead. Overall they’re confident that if they save Sam she’ll be on their side. Watch out for Level Seven, I suppose.
The group talk continues as they try to think of which other HGs to try and pick off from the other side. Maybe a shot for them with Kaitlyn, but they’re worried she’s annoyed with Sam too much to help.
Things start to ramble on from there as everyone shares their own updates about the other HGs. Eventually, the alliance chatter breaks up and the group heads out.
It’s an interesting mix, especially with the Bro Boys in there, but we’ll have to see how long it can last and just what happens to the other side if Steve ends up going this week. We don’t know yet if Sam’s power would save her like a Survivor immunity idol, forcing out the next place in votes, or if it just eliminates an eviction altogether.
What do you think of the Level Six alliance? Good plans here or another Bomb Squad waiting to happen?